Robin van Persie


Mr. Japes


New member
I think he'll sign a new contract, The Times reckon he wants to stay. Plus, the only club who've contacted Arsenal over RvP are Man City.


New member
He'd never go to Man City, since it has never been about the money for him. But he dreamed about playing for 2 clubs as a kid: Arsenal and Barcelona... there's even a video on youtube with him as a 14 year old talking about it. As long as Barca aren't interested, he's 100% staying.

Manuel Traquete

New member
He should stay at Arsenal, out of loyalty if nothing else. After his great season, he might feel that he deserves a club with higher ambitions, but for many years Arsenal probably also "deserved" a better striker, namely one who could actually play an entire season, and they sticked with him when they could easily have got rid of him.

The possibility of winning trophies and earning big money with Man City or any other top/big money club might be tempting, but he should really think about what Arsenal did for him and stay imo.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
he wouldn't fit in here. He would moan at being on the bench and the temper he has on him would mean he makes his issues with teammates or pep public.

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