Robin van Persie


New member
RVP = lying scum

RVP last year:

I don’t have the inclination to go anywhere. This is the best team for me to be in. The bottom line is that I want to win trophies with Arsenal, not with anybody else. I know you can win trophies in many countries and in many ways, but I want to do that in our way and in an Arsenal shirt.

I’m sure I could win things at another team in another country, but would it feel like our trophy, my trophy? I’m not sure it would. Anything we win here will come from the heart and that’s what I want. It’s my dream and I see no point in speaking about other teams when I have these dreams. I think other people know that about me; I’m just hungry to win with Arsenal and that’s it.

You can't say that and just fucking leave a year later. He said all this after the club waited by the treatment table for months, hoping his glass legs would work properly again. He scores a hat trick against Wigan and says this to the fans, and we supported him. This is what we get.


New member
Then I honestly wish they wouldn't say those things in the first place. It's like us fans are tools to be used by players and thrown away


New member
Football is fickle, last year Arsenal fans were saying "fuck Nasri and good riddance Cesc, we have players like RVP" now they saying he is scum.

Football fans expect loyalty but when it comes to players like Bendtner, Walcott etc playing poorly they want to ship them out.


New member
Nobody wants to sell walcott, and Bendtner himself talked a lot of shit wants to leave (not happy with sitting on the bench and earning his spot)


ze special one


New member
We'll be ok. We're always ok. But ok isn't enough :angry:

Everytime it looks like we're actually going to build on our previous 3rd/4th place finish, someone important leaves and we're stuck at 3rd/4th again.

Just watch... we'll probably build the team around Giroud, let him score 30+, then watch him go off to Madrid/Barca/City for peanuts


New member
Wenger is a god damn wizard. The way he sets up his team, the player who is the outlet will always be insanely productive.

Remember that lanky kid from Monaco we signed in '06? Adebayor was his name, I think. Had a terrible record in France, and put away maybe 1 out of every 10 chances you put in front of his feet. Wenger made him a 30 goal per season striker. But yeah, he tried forcing a move to Barca/Milan that same summer, and ended up going to City for the money a year later.

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