Ronald Koeman


previously known as Jonathan28
Rakitic, Suarez and Vidal all potentially leaving in the same week would be *chefs kiss* job well done.


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Senior Member
I think if Koeman gets it right we'll do OK.
Pjanic, De Jong, possibly Wijnaldum, Pedri and Puig in midfield.
Trincao, Griezmann, Dembele, Coutinho in attack. We need a striker, a full back and a cb. If we can get Garcia, Jesus and Cancelo we should do OK. Possibly trophtless season but at least the rebuild will have begun.


Senior Member
I think if Koeman gets it right we'll do OK.
Pjanic, De Jong, possibly Wijnaldum, Pedri and Puig in midfield.
Trincao, Griezmann, Dembele, Coutinho in attack. We need a striker, a full back and a cb. If we can get Garcia, Jesus and Cancelo we should do OK. Possibly trophtless season but at least the rebuild will have begun.

Full backs and pace at CB be huge issue.

The top teams in Europe almost always have the best FB pairing that are pacey and can operate in final third.

Cancelo would be huge upgrade over Semedo I agree for that reason but still need more pace at CB but will be Pique/Lenglet again.


Senior Member
Cancelo would be huge upgrade over Semedo I agree for that reason but still need more pace at CB but will be Pique/Lenglet again.

Hopefully Araujo and Todibo (if he stays) are given plenty of opportunities this season to see if they have what it takes.

I like Araujo and it seems like he is very fast. Hard to tell though in his limited first team action. He looks great against segunda B players. Much different that first division.


Senior Member
Full backs and pace at CB be huge issue.
but still need more pace at CB but will be Pique/Lenglet again.

This, always this.
When you lack speed at CB, you can't impose your game the way you want.
You either be a little more conservative to accommodate for CB problem, or you simply get screwed on the counter. And that is not even counting teams like Bayern who will play on full speed whether we are sitting back or not.
Pouol/Masch/Umtiti were all big parts of our success.
That is one of the reasons I am skeptical about Eric Garcia. I don't see him as a quick CB at all so he doesn't solve our biggest problem in defense.
Agree on the FB part too


Senior Member
Araujo is quite fast but worth gambling on him next season since it is a transition year anyway.

Fullbacks are Barca's biggest problem and it's scary that it will unlikely get addressed this summer.


Senior Member
For me the biggest problem is the connection between the midfield and the attack when off the ball. It's non-existent.

If the midfield is revamped, and Suarez and Messi are sold/let go, we'd look totally different. Teams won't get to our back-line that easily.


Senior Member
I'd be willing to bet that Semedo and Alba will improve a lot under Koeman. Fullbacks were let down by the system in recent years.

And Koeman knows it, that's why both are in their plans. Put players on their side who are actual wingers and do their part defensively, and we'll look much more balanced.


Senior Member
I'd be willing to bet that Semedo and Alba will improve a lot under Koeman. Fullbacks were let down by the system in recent years.

They could improve and still be nowhere near good enough.

Only so much can blame system for when Alba in 18/19 was producing amongst his best stats and Roberto in same system was far better than Semedo on ball nd going forward for most part.

They are limited players, average to poor in possession for top level, neither great defenders unless a foot race. That wont change.

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