

The Observer
Oh by the way guys, Alex123 is my friend since i was 5 years old. We share history together. I remember when he used to be a madridian, then a catalonian and now a milan...... just cause of Ronnie. Well, to be fair i have to say that he WAS great, he HAD magic, and he MOVED people, but NOW, he isn't the ronnie the world knew, maybe he haid a very good career, but a Talent has to rest for a while, but i figure he'll be back ..... but not like before.

And contrary to what my buddy said, about Ronnie coming back to help brazil win the world cup, i don't think that will happen, no because of him, but because Brazil don't have the power to make it to win this world cup. It's either Spain or Argentina or Netherlands or England...... But if France Italy Germany Brazil Portugal(if they qualify), if they show what they are made of, and get back to their normal selfes, this world cup could be the most heated one ever.


did he use to idolize Ronaldo ??

MJ BarcaFan

New member
This is the video I was telling you guys about (that garnered over 25 Million views) now it has reached 28+ Million views! Got this news from Ronnie's official site. Imagine in just a space of what... a month? just amazing!!!!

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]


this is great video...many people thinks that this is fake, fotomontage. I don't know, i don't care... with or without this he is great player, my favorite.


New member
It is a fake...many peoiple have shown on youtube pictures of themselves doing exactly the same thing, even doing absurd things such as 3 bicycle kicks onto the crossbar from 25 yards etc.


Senior member
It is a fake...many peoiple have shown on youtube pictures of themselves doing exactly the same thing, even doing absurd things such as 3 bicycle kicks onto the crossbar from 25 yards etc.

I also saw this 75 year old or something old man doing it, the exact same thing :D


I don't think it's fake. Seriously, he was already a superstar at the time, why would he fake some regular shots at a cross-bar ? no signs of video editing as well. I don't know, I might be lost with all this new technology crap, but this looks real to me ...


Since moving to Milan, Dinho has said that this video is 100% real & that he has done the same thing whilst training with AC.......

.........he would say that though ;)

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