

Anxiously waiting for the next match
I am seeing him this summer i going to make a huge sign in portugese thanking him for everything from Barça

MJ BarcaFan

New member
Apparently Leonardo, Milan's newly appointed coach will play the 4-3-1-2 system with a classic playmaker... looks like that would be Ronnie's role :) and modern attacking football philosophy with Brazil WC 1982 model. It looks very likely that Milan will cash in on Kaka sooner than later.

Btw, Brazil's sports commentator (Globo TV) had interviewed Ronnie in Feb and aired this April. Below is the translation of that interview courtesy of my friend Marcela from Brazil. I know R10(FCB) will enjoy this :)

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Galvão: The “On the road” show is back at Milanello, AC Milan’s training center, and today we’ll talk with the #80. You are looking great, you look different ...

Ronnie: Not really ... [laughs]

Galvão: I’ll even wear my scarf, here, to look good ... Where do I sit ? Here ? Ok. Are we playing chess ? Do you play chess ?

Ronnie: No …

Galvão: Neither do I. You’ve been in Europe for 7 years now, is it temporary ? You are living here for a while, but do you prefer to live in Porto Alegre ?

Ronnie: Well, my home is there, my mom is there, and everything I’ve ever wanted to have is there. But I like it here as well, maybe it’s temporary, and maybe I’ll stay here for many years. Everything can happen.

Galvão: For how long has Deisi been living with you and taking care of everything ?

Ronnie: Since I moved from Brazil, Deisi has been with me, my brother is here and there all the time, and the family is always together. My mom is here and there too.

Galvão: Deisi has that cute face of a nice person, but is she very strict with you ?

Ronnie: No, Deisi is very nice, my best friend. She’s my sister and also my best friend, so it’s fine. It’s great to have someone I trust controling the house and helping me, so it’s easy.

Galvão: What about Assis, is he here all the time ?

Ronnie: Yeah, he is always traveling, here and there [meaning Brazil and Italy]. Whenever he can, my nephew comes here too, the whole family, so it's good because we're always together.

Galvão: Does he want to teach you how to play, sometimes, or what ? How is it ? Because he was good.

Ronnie: Yeah, he was.

Galvão: Actually, he was very good.

Ronnie: Yeah, very good.

Galvão: I know that, because I’ve seen him playing. But does he say “you should play like this, you should play like that” ? Then you say “come on, man, go away” …

Ronnie: [laughs] No, I guess it’s a normal thing, he gives his opinion and tries to help, so, of course it’s easier from the outside, and he knows it, so he doesn’t say nonsense, because he used to be a player and he was very good. So he’s always trying to help me, for the best.

Galvão: What would it be the best position for Ronaldinho ? Some people say you should stay near the goal, others say you should play on the left side, or way behind, or attack, and whatever, but it doesn’t matter what people think, what matters is what you think. Where do you like to play ?

Ronnie: I like to play mid-field, coming from behind, where it’s easier to find the attackers, find the right timing, and make the team play, I think that’s how I like to play, being more participative. But I played a long time in Barcelona on the left side and things got right, many people think that’s where I play my best, then I played for the NT in some competitions and was able to score a lot of goals, so people said I should play in that position, then they said I should play on the other side, but I guess what makes me more comfortable is playing mid-field. That’s what I like the best.

Galvão: Now you said it all, like “I like to have the ball”. You like the ball, right ? [Kind of a stupid question, isn’t it ??]

Ronnie: Every player likes it, right ? But yeah, since I was a kid, I like having the ball with me, and every time I have it, that’s what I like to do.

Galvão: What do you enjoy the most, scoring a goal or doing a great play like those where you look to a side and kick the ball to the other, stuff like that, and then someone else scores ?

Ronnie: Both things are great [laughs]. I guess the goal is more ... it's that whole vibration, but assisting someone, leaving them to score, then seeing at the end of a competition that someone from your team has scored the most and you assisted them … To me both things are the same, both things are as good.

Galvão: But you weren’t smiling for a while here with Milan, you were on the bench, but you are not supposed to be on the bench, right ?

Ronnie: Well, no … [laughs] No one likes it.

Galvão: There’s a legend that players in Europe don’t care if they are on the bench, but that's not right, don’t you think ?

Ronnie: I am not European, I care [laughs]. No one likes it, no way.

Galvão: But also, you were on the bench because there was something wrong, the team went to Dubai and you got some kind of infection, wasn’t something like that ?

Ronnie: I guess it was just due to the changing temperatures. I was in Brazil in December, it was very hot, then we went to Dubai, still very hot, then we got here and it was -7ºC, so I ended up having a flu, and it took me a while to recover, I was on the bench for a few matches, but fortunately things are going back to normal.

Galvão: That was very gaucho. [He means the expression Ronnie used for the “took me a while” part.] You still are very connected to your hometown, right?

Ronnie: Yeah, all my friends are there, my whole family, so yeah.

Galvão: Is samba there ?

Ronnie: Yeah, it is, all my friends from samba are there. My friends from samba are everywhere in Brazil.

Galvão: People say gauchos are very bad with samba, and you’re good at it, what’s with that ?

Ronnie: No, they are not bad, there are a lot of good people at samba in the South.

Galvão: That’s true. They're good at all kinds of music and culture. How do you explain – you’re a great idol of the world football, you know it …

Ronnie: I do.

Galvão: Of course. But you have something special with children. Why do the kids love you so much, do you have any idea ?

Ronnie: I don’t know, it’s always been like that. I guess it’s because I like children. Since I started playing kids got close, maybe it's how I dress, how I play, and all of this makes children to get closer to me.

Galvão: So it’s because you’re a kid, in a positive way, with the way you deal with the ball, the smile, and stuff, the joy, kids identify themselves with you ?

Ronnie: I guess so. I think I am the way people want to be, like, in a football match everybody wants to dribble, and kick the ball, and be happy, and I guess people see me this way so they get closer.

Galvão: Do you want to see something ? Who is that boy over there ?

Ronnie: That’s Diego, my nephew.

Galvão: Come here. Come. It looks like he’s trouble, isn’t he ?

Ronnie: Not really, he's a nice, calm boy.

Galvão: Nice ? Come here. You’re young, kneel down here. You have no problem with your knees, right ? How are you ? How old are you ?

Diego: 14.

Galvão: Speak louder so that my microphone can reach you.

Diego: 14.

Galvão: Man, your teeth are all green, how cool ! [He means his braces] What is your uncle, what does he mean to you ?

Diego: He’s the one I look up to, I think about playing football and having a career like his, brilliant, and achieve everything he did.

Galvão: But your father was a great player too – he’s Assis’ son. Your father was great.

Diego: My father too, I look up to him too, but I didn’t see him playing much.

Galvão: Yeah, ok. But you can find some videos.

Diego: Yeah, I watch his videos all the time.

Galvão: Is Ronaldinho the man ?

Diego: Yes.

Galvão: Yes ? He’s the man. What about Diego, Ronaldinho ? Will he be the man ?

Ronnie: Probably. I think there’s a pressure already, because of who his father is, who his uncle is, there’s already a very big pressure, so all I want him is to be happy, and do things with an open heart …

Galvão: And smile like you do, being happy …

Ronnie: He’s very good, so as long as he’s happy he’ll probably achieve all his dreams.

Galvão: Now, without being a proud uncle, people say the boy is excellent.

Ronnie: Yeah, yeah.

Galvão: Kind of ?

Ronnie: He has it all …

Galvão: But what do the Grêmio supporters say when they see Ronaldinho’s nephew playing for Inter ?

Ronnie: I guess every person has its own path, I don’t know, I think every one has it’s own history, and that’s the beauty of it, no one needs to follow other person’s shadow, make your own history instead and try to be as happy as possible, I guess that’s the right thing to do.

Galvão: Are you Colorado [Inter supporter] ?

Diego: Now I am.

Galvão: [laughs] And when are you coming to Milan ? We’re in Milanello, a player can't dream of anything else - your knees are bad, huh ? Or you’re overweight … No ? Ok. But this is a paradise for a football player, do you think about playing here ?

Diego: Well, every player dreams of being in a team like Milan, so … But not right now, maybe later …

Galvão: Ok. Good luck to you.

[Obrigada Marcela :wave:]
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Thanks for posting :) So Dinho has a 14 year old nephew, playing for Inter, who is very good?

MJ BarcaFan

New member
Yup yup... it's Dieginho :)

He plays for Internationale youth (rival of Gremio), former team of Pato back in Brazil.
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I kinda miss him :( I don't know why, but not even Messi can give me the joy Ronaldinho gave me in his best days at Barça. What a legend he would've become and now he's like this.. so sad.


I kinda miss him :( I don't know why, but not even Messi can give me the joy Ronaldinho gave me in his best days at Barça. What a legend he would've become and now he's like this.. so sad.



Maybe so but I wish he was part of this success. Many people will say that getting rid of him is one of the reasons we've done so well though :sad:
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