

yea owning madird winning WPOY and CL and LA liga just not that cool compared to playing for milan

omg som. hates?! really dont know whats going on deep inside him.. to win everything dont make you automatically happier..same goes for money..


Senior member
Hey not too bad, i'm happy for Dinho, i loved him before and I wouldn't want to hate him, though he is a fatty. Chucka it was 3-0 to Milan


Blue Blooded Aussie
RRRRRRROOOOONNNNNAAAAAALLLLLLDDDDDIIIIINNNNNNNNHHHHHHOOOOO!!! Good stuff, happy to see him playing well and with a smile on his face again!


New member
Great performance by Dinho but it was Juventus, if he scores against a team that is doing really well in their league then we will all say Dinho is coming back.

el tren

Adolfo Valencia
Its always funny to see how these brazilian divas getting back into football half a year prior to the WC. Its also funny to see how they drop down to where they have been the former 3 yrs right afterwards ... wont be different in this case imo

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