
Yugo Count Dante

New member
Ljajic suspended from Serbian national team for refusing to sing along the national anthem.

What is this crap?????? piece of nationalistic pricks. This is disgraceful

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Ljajic suspended from Serbian national team for refusing to sing along the national anthem.

What is this crap?????? piece of nationalistic pricks. This is disgraceful

Ljajic grew up on the Kosovo border and apparently refuses to sing the Serbian anthem for political reasons.

Disgraceful from Serbia. Some things never change I guess.

Yugo Count Dante

New member
Ljajic grew up on the Kosovo border and apparently refuses to sing the Serbian anthem for political reasons.

Disgraceful from Serbia. Some things never change I guess.
The funny part is how Mihajlovic announced that he would change the image of the Serbian NT and that wanted to change a lot of things when it comes down to football in Serbia, so one of the things he did was setting up a type of contract with the players and in this contract they had to sign to sing the national anthem. And so the first thing you hear to come out of this rule: a player suspended for not wanting to sing the national anthem... and I think it is said that Ljajic does not plan to sing it in the future either, and I fully back him.

Totally lost any respect that I had left for the Serbian national team (including Mihajlovic), and I feel sorry for all those nice Serbs who don't stand behind it's nationalistic representatives in the politics and sports.

I wonder, will Ljajic be able to join the Montenegro NT or the Bosnian NT?

Yugo Count Dante

New member
Fifa should intervene, at least let him play for another NT

just look at their national anthem, honestly????? it's full of religion and full of exaggerated nationalism. Therefore there should be understanding for someone not willing to sing this!!!



Boze pravde, ti sto spase
od propasti do sadnas,
cuj i od sadnase glase,
i odsad nam budi spas.
Mocnom rukom vodi, brani
buducnosti srpske brod,
Boze spasi, Boze hrani
nasu zemlju i nas rod.

Slozi srpsku bracu dragu
na svak' dican slavan rad,
sloga bice poraz vragu,
a najjaci srpstvu grad.
Nek' na srpstvu blista grana
bratske sloge zlatan rod,
Boze spasi, boze hrani
moli ti se sav nas rod.

Nek na srpsko vedro celo
tvog ne padne gneva grom,
blagoslovi Srbu selo
polje, njivu, grad i dom!
Kad nastupe borbe dani,
k' pobedi mu vodi hod.
Boze spasi, Boze hrani
Srpskog Kralja, srpski rod!

Iz mracnoga sinu groba
srpske krune novi sjaj,
nastalo je novo doba,
novu srecu Boze daj.
Kraljevinu srpsku brani,
pet vekovne borbe plod.
Boze spasi, Boze hrani,
moli ti se srpski rod!


God of Justice; Thou who saved us
when in deepest bondage cast,
Hear Thy Serbian children’s voices,
Be our help as in the past.
With Thy mighty hand sustain us,
Still our rugged pathway trace;
God, our hope; protect and cherish
Serbian crown and Serbian race!

Bind in closest links our kindred
Teach the love that will not fail,
May the loathed fiend of discord
Never in our ranks prevail.
Let the golden fruits of union
Our young tree of freedom grace;
God, our Master! guide and prosper
Serbian crown and Serbian race.

Lord! Avert from us Thy vengeance,
Thunder of Thy dreaded ire;
Bless each Serbian town and hamlet,
Mountain, meadow, heart and spire.
When our host goes forth to battle
Death or victory to embrace-
God of armies! be our leader
Strengthen then the Serbian race.

On our sepulchre of ages
Breaks the resurrection morn,
From the slough of direst slavery
Serbia anew is born.
Through five hundred years of durance
We have knelt before Thy face,
All our kin, O God! deliver,
Thus entreats the Serbian race.
Last edited:


Staff member
I support Mihajlovic in his decision. Ljajic is born in Serbia and he is disrespecting the country by refusing to sing the anthem. But that's nothing new. He disrespected his manager in Fiorentina too.


Senior Member
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? I think there's a name for that sort of behaviour :pep:


New member
That decision may sound primitive, but when Mihajlovic became coach of NT, he spoke to EVERY SINGLE PLAYER about the anthem and every player signed a contract with code of conduct. In that contract, among other things, was the anthem. Every player agreed to sign the anthem and every player signed the contract, including young Ljajic. HE made that mistake, not Mihajlovic or anyone else. How can you sign something, make agrement and then you fail to oblige?
Personaly, I don't care about them signing that anthem, but if they all agreed to do that.. Even Neven Subotic tried to sign, and his Serbian is bad, I don't think he even knows the words.


New member
Helo people my name is Alex and i am from Serbia.
I feel so bad this is my first post because i have been reading this wonderful forum for 3 years now and it has become my favourite one.I simply turn it on every morning i wake up.
I just could not remain silent on this stupid Serbian anthem thread.
THere is one thing that should be clear:
All players agreed by signing to sing the anthem !
If Ljajic didnt want to sing it ,which i totally understand then he should have said it before at the press conference.But doing that later it became an idiotic media sharade.
To be clear some of you posted unbelievably rude and nationalistic commentaries trying to prove our NT is full of nationalists...Good job on that...You should be ashamed of yourself and try to follow forum rules.
Our NT Anthem by my point of view (i am atheist btw) is totally bad,bcs not everyone believes in god or has the same one.Someone interpreted it as it is full of nationalism which btw it really isnt if you knew Serbian.It was written back then when we didnt live in multi cultural environments and when wars were raging every few years.So please avoid unnecessary rude comments if possible.
The conflict is pretty pointless because Ljajic was politicly pushed by some people not to sing it,and ofcourse our side was pushed the same way by our idiotic and corrupted NT president to be sang...THere are no rights or wrongs in this situation,this is purely political.
I dont want Ljajic in our NT because he was the worst guy on the field,not because of he choice of singing our National anthem.
If i wanted to give all for my buddies in the team i would sing whatever they gave me,but if i wouldnt feel like one of them i wouldnt sing or play.Its his choice and his alone,if he doesnt feel like one of us he shouldnt play.I wish him best of luck because he seems like a nice kid with a lots of talent,but at the same time he acts like a brat (fiorentina,serbia) and needs to grow up...This anthem singing thing will wear of in time bcs it is really pointless.
Well that was my first post,i wish i could have written how i am in love with Iniesta,but i will save it for another time :)
Best of luck fellas !


I am Leg End
Their u21's beating up the english staff and the crowd racially abusing the england u21 black players.

But of course anytime england complain about it, it's an obvious exaggeration right. :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Sounds like the Serbians have been disgraceful. Pitch invasion, monkey chants, bottles thrown at England players along with punches too. Players and officials being attacked. Shameful shit. I'm sure UEFA will act swiftly, and Serbia will have to raid their penny jar for the fine.

It's hard to take England's complaints seriously when John Terry is still a national hero.

But he isn't. He's hated in England and got a ban from the FA. Where do you clowns get this shit from?

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