Sergi Roberto


Danger Ahead
I really want him back in the midfield. He's so much better there, and rb is not really suiting him. Why the heck didn't they buy a rb instead of gomes or paco?

Because they thought that Vidal will be a starting RB:lol: A guy, who played like 8 games in RB position and basically hasn't played for 1 year was chosen to replace Alves...


Because they thought that Vidal will be a starting RB:lol: A guy, who played like 8 games in RB position and basically hasn't played for 1 year was chosen to replace Alves...

No, they already knew Vidal wasn't going to be the starter. Roberto started playing rb when Alves was still here. It's really bad planning all over. Midfielders have a hard time adapting most of the time, and Bob was a good bet for rcm or dm.


Danger Ahead
No, they already knew Vidal wasn't going to be the starter. Roberto started playing rb when Alves was still here. It's really bad planning all over. Midfielders have a hard time adapting most of the time, and Bob was a good bet for rcm or dm.

I just got that impression from what Robert said in summer, he said something like "we won't buy anyone for RB position because we trust in Vidal and there is also Roberto".


I just got that impression from what Robert said in summer, he said something like "we won't buy anyone for RB position because we trust in Vidal and there is also Roberto".

I remember that, and that's the bad planning. Licho was already phasing Vidal out. It was pretty obvious he couldn't defend, and I have a hard time imagining they thought he'd learn how to do it all of a sudden.
I'd honestly insist with 3-4-3 now, licho tried it but didn't give it time to work.


Danger Ahead
I remember that, and that's the bad planning.Licho was already phasing Vidal out. It was pretty obvious he couldn't defend, and I have a hard time imagining they thought he'd learn how to do it all of a sudden.
I'd honestly insist with 3-4-3 now, licho tried it but didn't give it time to work.

But Lucho saw Vidal in training for 1 year and he didn't ask for replacement, he decided to banish him just after that Alaves game which was in September.


But Lucho saw Vidal in training for 1 year and he didn't ask for replacement, he decided to banish him just after that Alaves game which was in September.

That was his 2nd game of the season. And his only liga game. So far, he has played in the supercopa vs sevilla, the game vs alaves, and in the dead rubber vs monchengladbach. He's being phased out since last season. Whenever Alves couldn't play, the rb was roberto.


Danger Ahead
That was his 2nd game of the season. And his only liga game. So far, he has played in the supercopa vs sevilla, the game vs alaves, and in the dead rubber vs monchengladbach. He's being phased out since last season.

I don't think so, I think he trusted in him which shows to me just how poorly he evaluates the skills of the players.


I don't think so, I think he trusted in him which shows to me just how poorly he evaluates the skills of the players.

By whom, Lucho? He never trusted him, or he'd be playing more than he did so far. When Alves decided to go, it was pretty clear their planning was Roberto as the starter rb, and vidal to cover when/if needed. But even Mascherano has started as a rb ahead of vidal this season.


Danger Ahead
By whom, Lucho? He never trusted him, or he'd be playing more than he did so far. When Alves decided to go, it was pretty clear their planning was Roberto as the starter rb, and vidal to cover when/if needed. But even Mascherano has started as a rb ahead of vidal this season.

But why didn't Lucho ask for replacement in summer then? He saw him training for a year and in training he had to defend against the best attackers in the world. He thought he'll improve and how could Robert bring anyone if Lucho was happy with what he has?
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But why didn't Lucho asked for replacement in summer then? He saw him train for a year and in training he had to defend against the best attackers in the world, he wasn't phasing him out he thought he'll improve and how could Robert bring anyone if Lucho is happy with what he has?

Bad planning. Thinking the team needed to be reinforced elsewhere. Roberto should had been kept as rcm/dm, but instead of a rb, they got Gomes to be the rcm/dm, and kept roberto as rb. And now our right side is a mess, and the weakest link of the team. It used to be one of our strongest areas. Some say there weren't many good rb's available in the market too, but I think a good scouting could had found someone from france. But by the name rumored to come now, it's easy to see they're still searching for the wrong type of player. Cancelo is like vidal, just can attack better.


Senior Member
Even if we'll buy 3 new RBs, Roberto won't play too much as a midfielder.

He is a good guy, he can always step in to be a sub and rest key players on lots of positions, but that's more or less it.
If Gomes and Denis won't improve, we'll just buy 5 new Cms eventually.

I want to say: Roberto is a good player for a lots of positions, but he hasn't got world class quality for any of positions (Jack of all trades, but master of none).
Some will reply: if we gave him more chances and continuity...

Well, imo, nothing would happen. Imo, he naturally has way lower ceiling than Gomes, Denis, Alena and majority of our midfielders.

So, about posts how our midfield would have looked different with Roberto in it, imo, it wouldn't. It would have been the same as with Denis and Gomes.
Except that there is still a chance that Gomes and Denis will reach their higher potential one day.
Roberto has more or less reached his ceiling.

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