Sergi Roberto


President of FC Barcelona
This salary related thing is rubbish too when Alenya has a 80-90m clause and Roberto got a 40m one.


President of FC Barcelona
Not like it matters as Roberto won't leave, he knows he will play his position now and he loves the club. He does need it raising though

I know, but we should really do what RM does and raise our player's buyouts to levels other teams simply cannot afford.

Should have done that after the Thiago debacle.

Umtiti's buyout is 60m. In a market John Stones went for 50m+ and Virgil van Dijk is going for 60m+, that is not much for a player like him, and I know that the player decides to leave or stay, but my point is that the player shouldn't even be in the position to make that decision.

This is FC Barcelona. Not some mid-tier club.
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President of FC Barcelona
Alena's clause only goes up to 75m if he's promoted iirc.

Which is still more than Roberto's.

Madrid signed Ceballos and he got a 500m one.

To me it seem something like this;

Real Madrid: Our player, we decide what to do, you cannot get him at any cost unless we decide to sell him to you

Barca: We decide to sell or not and you cannot get him, but if you're able to afford him, we're happy to let him go and receive that amount

God Serena

New member
Which is still more than Roberto's.

Madrid signed Ceballos and he got a 500m one.

To me it seem something like this;

Real Madrid: Our player, we decide what to do, you cannot get him at any cost unless we decide to sell him to you

Barca: We decide to sell or not and you cannot get him, but if you're able to afford him, we're happy to let him go and receive that amount

I wasn't disagreeing with you. If anything, I was supporting what you were saying. Alena's release clause is much too low for a talent with his potential and class already on display and the same goes for Roberto.


Alena and roberto release clauses are way to low why don't we put 600m as release clauses in all our players contracts like rm do it seems to me Bartomeu and his friends at the board do not know how to run a successful football club there are totaly useless and bunch of failures.


Senior Member
Players have to agree to higher clauses, if they don't board can't do anything.

And it is based on many factors, number of year,salary, the price he was purchased etc. All clubs in Liga suffering from it, only RM has been reported to have those craze buyouts but they don't announce it officially. I have a hard time to believe that all Liga clubs fail to put crazy buyouts on their youngsters or nobody signings.

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