Sergi Roberto


Senior Member
Doubt Juve will sign him just to be a midfielder, they have their own problems in the right side too (considering De Sciglio being injury prone, Cuadrado isn't a RB and Lichtsteiner age)
If they sign him he will play significant amount of time as RB. Versatility is probably Roberto's biggest asset, and team that will have him will be be always considering this.
I doubt he will leave, negotiation will take time, rarely any player accept first offer anyway


Senior Member
fair enough, but I still say we won't really know of his prowess until he stops getting garbage midfield mins even them with gomes as his partner

I have seen enough of him to form an opinion and he is a decent mid and invaluable due to his versatility.

Remains to be seen if right or wrong just as said think he is not briliant in tight areas and can be pushed off ball a bit. At right back and more open game suits him.


Senior Member
Doubt Juve will sign him just to be a midfielder, they have their own problems in the right side too (considering De Sciglio being injury prone, Cuadrado isn't a RB and Lichtsteiner age)
If they sign him he will play significant amount of time as RB. Versatility is probably Roberto's biggest asset, and team that will have him will be be always considering this.
I doubt he will leave, negotiation will take time, rarely any player accept first offer anyway
Juve also have Pol Lirola, as an RB option who's out on loan who's apparently solid himself. But yeah I could see Juve wanting him due to his versatility.


Senior Member
I have seen enough of him to form an opinion and he is a decent mid and invaluable due to his versatility.

Remains to be seen if right or wrong just as said think he is not briliant in tight areas and can be pushed off ball a bit. At right back and more open game suits him.

Well in the "getting pushed off the ball"

He is better than most of our midfielders especially gomes , denis


Senior Member
Well in the "getting pushed off the ball"

He is better than most of our midfielders especially gomes , denis

Denis is better in tighter areas than Roberto dont see much difference in them getting pushed off the ball really and he isnt stronger on ball than any of the other CMs in squad.

Gomes is stronger on the ball by a long way.


Vice President of FC Barcelona
Denis is better in tighter areas than Roberto dont see much difference in them getting pushed off the ball really and he isnt stronger on ball than any of the other CMs in squad.

Gomes is stronger on the ball by a long way.

I disagree, Gomes might be strong on paper, but I'm frustrated to no end when a guy with a 6 foot+ frame like him gets pushed off the ball by the slightest of breeze


New member
Doesn't matter in the slightest if he have an insane wage bill, you don't look at another company and say well look their guy is not being paid so much, so its ok if the useless turd next to be is being paid higher than me. Roberto is one of the lowest paid players in the team and has more contribution than Arda, Aleix, Verm, Gomes, Denis and Rafinha combined. As such he is quite in his rights to demand a significantly better offer without being labeled a disloyal snake

Lmao did you even read what I was saying, if Roberto left because the board isn't paying him enough of he doesn't get enough playtime its understandable, I was talking about that our players who are starters and get insane wages, like Dembele, so if he left us because someone offered him higher wage than us -> snake.


Senior Member
Roberto attended the Gala of the Stars of Catalan Football and he said that he's at the club of his dreams and he told people to not worry about his renewal as he's at the club of his dreams.


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Bob is back.

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