Sergi Roberto


New member
i stopped reading your post when you tried to convince people that semedo is somehow a better attacking player than roberto lmao
the guys 1 and only strategy is pass back to pique / rakitic

ONLY when he very rarely gets in the position that the ball rebounds to him behind the defense does he attempt a cross
and even then somehow he finds a way to backpass to pique when he inevitably pussy's out of trying to pass forward

his defensive record if not impressive and he doesn't link with any of our midfielders / forwards well.

it's really easy to see why semedo is bad who despite getting nearly 2000 minutes last season was somehow mentally destroyed because he didn't play 100% of all games as some of you like to claim is the reason he is suffering

messi has to tell the guy where to move.. he has the football IQ of a rock.


i stopped reading your post when you tried to convince people that semedo is somehow a better attacking player than roberto lmao
the guys 1 and only strategy is pass back to pique / rakitic

Huh ?! :lol:
When and where did I try to convince people of that, you liar ?

Here are my 2 posts of today about that subject

Roberto is absolutely trash. Did you guys see his 2nd half ?

[MENTION=22244]Nothanks[/MENTION] Roberto was playing with the usual starters AS ALWAYS ! Valverde does that everytime: he puts Semedo in worst possible situations, hoping that he'll do bad so he can bring on his son Roberto as the savior. But truth is that Roberto's second half is weak af even for an average Liga team. Always back passing to Piqué, bringing absolutely nothing in attack (I thought he was an attacking master ? it's such a lie!). And I ain't campaining for Semedo really IDGAF. But honestly he never had a period where he started several games in a row. We already know he has better physical and defending qualities than Roberto, even technically Roberto isn't better. Roberto is starting for the 3rd year now and we know that the best he can offer as a RB is not enough for Barça. With Semedo there's a chance he'll improve if he receives the confidence EV gives to Roberto, so he's the one that should play.

I'm not saying Semedo will become a beast 100%. But if Semedo flops, then we simply should go and buy a new RB since Roberto's case is already clear as day: he's not good enough, and he'll never be good enough, it's a shame to have him as our starting RB. Some will say Semedo isn't good enough for now, yeah but there's a bigger possibility that he'll become good enough one day since he's younger and has more skills than Roberto.

Lol "offers nothing going forward"... The way you guys say it some could start to think that the other RB (Roberto) is offering like crazy creativity in attack. But it's absolutely not the case. Semedo at least can defend. Plus Roberto is a privileged guy who has his coach's favors. Why is Roberto allways playing with the best players ? Why is Roberto always starting the "easy" games in which it's easier to shine ? Why is Semedo the one playing twice a month against tough competition and/or with an underperforming 11 ?

To sum up their contribution:

Roberto: weak in defence, average going forward (good only once every 5 matches)
Semedo: good in defence, average going forward

And that beside the fact that Roberto is the privileged one. Semedo will easily outperform Roberto if he receives same kind of confidence from Fraudverde.
That doesn't mean Semedo will be elite. I believe there's a high possibility that none of these 2 guys is good enough for Barça. But I'm convinced that Semedo is the least bad of these 2.

I said they're both average going forward. Roberto is good once every 2 months against cans but that doesn't make him a great (or even good) attacking RB for Barça standards.

And this time I won't read your post any further since you've been exposed after your first sentence.
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Senior Member
In all honesty Pique shouldn't be a starter this days anymore.
I would gamble playing Lenglet as an RCB for some games and hope he keeps improving his right foot.

I mean Lenglet is pretty good at covering Wide areas at Sevilla with Escudero pushing up constantly last season and he is pretty decent in 1v1 situations.


Well-known member
Big night for Sergi Roberto who is never gonna be a RB ...

He's up against one of our transfer interests ... flying Mexican winger Hirving Lozano ..

We are doomed ..


Senior Member
I'm worried about Pique the most.

Roberto has some cover with Rakitic at least but Pique? considering how bad he struggles against pacy wingers and strikers these days I'm expecting him to have a hard time vs Lozano.


Well-known member
Lozano is out to impress tonight and he could destroy our weak right side ... Rakitic and Roberto against this guy is a bad idea


Senior Member
Lozano is out to impress tonight and he could destroy our weak right side ... Rakitic and Roberto against this guy is a bad idea

Come back to this mighty Lozano post tonight after the match.

Suddenly our right side is not good enough against teams like Psv, lol.

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