Sergi Roberto


New member
Hee is apparently an alternative to play CB according to MD.

First Vermaelen LB, now Bob CB...

What's next? Suarez DM?

I'm beginning to wonder if there is something in Roberto's contract stating that he should start whenever fit and whatever the position. This obsession with Roberto is taking weird proportions.


Senior Member
Funny how he has become from "give him a chance, plz" to "get him off the field ffs" guy.
He's not a top top class player, but am quite sure that him becoming worse than before is just another on the list of Retardo victims.
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Well-known member
Looked good tonight. Always an option and was providing us with some needed width. Offensively much better than Semedo. Perišić quiet tonight, not due to Roberto, but he coped well tonight. Hope he can regain his last season's form.


Senior Member
Looked good. We have two RBs of equal value imo. I maintain what I said, we should play one or the other depending on the opponent.


Active member
It's good to have trustworthy depth in at least one position. I look forward to seeing Roberto spelling Alba every once in a while, too.


Senior Member
I always thought his acceleration and how he attacks space are his biggest strenghts. He may lack pace when sprinting the whole field down.
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Senior Member
Haters said that RM will massacre us on his flank.
Did they have one successful action on that side at all?


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