Sergi Roberto


Well-known member
Sergi Roberto is the reason why i fear the future of Barca.

-Mediocre talent
-Schoolboy mentality
-A FC Barcelona starter solely out of his La Masia/Catalan roots
-In line for the captaincy of Barca LMAO

This is how you destroy a formidable empire from the inside out.
He’s very close Messi apparently.. not inseparable like Suarez of course


Well-known member
How he turned his back, jogged and watched goal for 4:0 coming in. and the waved his hands and like... oh... is it class time now?


New member
Haha schoolboy mentality, when he is one of the most intelligent players, given his talent and physique. Schoolboy mentality, turns games against biggest rivals by doing the right things (consistently by the way). It's easy to hate players I suppose. The funniest thing I see here is people that are mediocre in their own lives, come and hate players that play for Barça.

There is a difference in criticizing players with the right tone and just being hateful.


Senior Member
How he turned his back, jogged and watched goal for 4:0 coming in. and the waved his hands and like... oh... is it class time now?


He’s a total bum.

Roberto should be one of those always on edge because he’s very mediocre talent wise and should never feel like he has a guaranteed spot on the team.

A total joke.

The day this guy becomes the main captain of Barca is the day we should organize a funeral for this club. Wont be hard because we have one foot in the grave already!


Senior Member
Haha schoolboy mentality, when he is one of the most intelligent players, given his talent and physique. Schoolboy mentality, turns games against biggest rivals by doing the right things (consistently by the way). It's easy to hate players I suppose. The funniest thing I see here is people that are mediocre in their own lives, come and hate players that play for Barça.

There is a difference in criticizing players with the right tone and just being hateful.

Are you kidding me? Put S.Roberto in any other top club and he would be at best a cup/20 min player. He isn’t that good, let’s face the facts. He would be an excellent player for clubs like arsenal or Everton, but he isn’t Barca or even PSG level

This is Barca ffs. We should be the most prestigious club in the world. Starting Roberto is a massive disgrace to previous Barca legends in that position :alves:
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Senior Member
During the 2015/16 Season, he was a good RB to have as we still had a half decent Alves and the other RB options we had such as Adriano, Douglas and eventually Vidal weren't good enough but he slotted right in when needed.

But where we made the mistake is thinking Roberto could be our long term number 1 RB. That is, however, a step too big for him with his current ability as he has a number of flaws that hamper him from ever becoming an elite RB.

He did well when he was a utlitly player but the manager thought he could turn him into more than just that and it hasn't worked.


Active member
People pretending that he was never good, like Rakitic imo, are wrong. He was very good some time back but it got pretty easy to understand that he is lately a squad player and not a starting RB.


New member
How he turned his back, jogged and watched goal for 4:0 coming in. and the waved his hands and like... oh... is it class time now?

I notice that you levied criticism at everyone except for quite literally the worst player on the field for the full 90 minutes, your fellow countryman, Rakitic...

What's your take on his "MOTM performance" last night?


Well-known member
I notice that you levied criticism at everyone except for quite literally the worst player on the field for the full 90 minutes, your fellow countryman, Rakitic...

What's your take on his "MOTM performance" last night?

Well I haven't touched everybody except him. That is a false wtatement.
But if you demand

Rakitic was slow, inconsistent, lost to many balls, poor decision making and he was overrun by Lpool mids.

Are you happy?

I have a lot to say about all of them except Vidal, Arthur and Messi... Regardles of that Messi 1 on 1 chance.

All of them fucked up.
Busi was a horrror show. Entire defence was like Serie C level, Cou was not even on the pitch. Suarez was fighting not playing.

And no. Raki was not worst on the pitch. Alba was a total disaster. His worst game ever. Cou expected and delivered clear zero. Roberto was also distaerous.


Well-known member
Well I haven't touched everybody except him. That is a false wtatement.
But if you demand

Rakitic was slow, inconsistent, lost to many balls, poor decision making and he was overrun by Lpool mids.

Are you happy?

I have a lot to say about all of them except Vidal, Arthur and Messi... Regardles of that Messi 1 on 1 chance.

All of them fucked up.
Busi was a horrror show. Entire defence was like Serie C level, Cou was not even on the pitch. Suarez was fighting not playing.

And no. Raki was not worst on the pitch. Alba was a total disaster. His worst game ever. Cou expected and delivered clear zero. Roberto was also distaerous.

Oddly enough SPORT disagreed with you on Rakitic as they gave him the worst rating possible .. a big fat ZERO out of TEN

Arizona Scott

New member
how he played the whole game is beyond me, how the fuck did he stay on

One and only one reason.

I notice that you levied criticism at everyone except for quite literally the worst player on the field for the full 90 minutes, your fellow countryman, Rakitic...

Alba CLEARLY had the worst night of players in the Barca shirt, it isn't even close despite what one writing trying to make a name and be contratarian said on SPORT.

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