Sergi Roberto


Senior Member
Roberto doesn't have many fans on this site but compared to the other seniors he has contributed much for us, is very versatile playing in midfield and at fullback and still has some speed/stamina, making him a useful squad player who adds to the team rather than subtracts


Senior Member
I guess he expected a 25% reduction like the other captains, which is already a lot to be fair, but overestimated his worth :lol: Hope we stay firm. He's a squad player at best and should be paid like one. Alba and Busquets aren't the benchmark for him.

The other captains aren't adding other years


Senior Member
The other captains aren't adding other years

I guess 3 years with ~25% reduction would have been a fantastic deal for him. He probably would have earned more than with his current salary this year+2years elsewhere (likely on half his wages at best). Plus staying in Barcelona of course.


Senior Member
I guess 3 years with ~25% reduction would have been a fantastic deal for him. He probably would have earned more than with his current salary this year+2years elsewhere (likely on half his wages at best). Plus staying in Barcelona of course.

But it is a bad deal for us, Roberto isn't getting paid much in the next deal anyway since he will 30 years old bench player, even if FA


Well-known member
But it is a bad deal for us, Roberto isn't getting paid much in the next deal anyway since he will 30 years old bench player, even if FA

True true true. Don't bend over Roberto. He's been declining anyway. Not a guy we need to overpay at all. If he wants to leave, that's fine too.


Well-known member
40% should be the minimum reduction imo. Anything bellow and it's not worth keeping him. Who's gonna pay him that much anyway?


Senior Member
Bar?a have failed to reach an agreement with Sergi Roberto over his wage deduction. Roberto is willing to reduce his pay but isn?t happy with the current deal proposed by the club, which is an extension of his contract by an additional two years but with a 40% pay cut. [espn]

I guess he expected a 25% reduction like the other captains, which is already a lot to be fair, but overestimated his worth :lol: Hope we stay firm. He's a squad player at best and should be paid like one. Alba and Busquets aren't the benchmark for him.

God NO! How are we going to survive? :lol:


Well-known member
Well then just not renew and let him leave next summer. Not something we need to worry about, he's expendable and a slight wage reduction for this season probably won't make a big difference anyway.


Senior Member
The whole squad is in line to follow the captains with wage-reductions
His 21-22 high wage would not make much of a difference at the end. Just get rid the garbage...


Senior Member
I hope he will not play at a good level just until he has his renewal, and then fall to conformity.

We see this too many times.

There is the chance to make use of Dembele and Roberto until contracts run out and then take advantage of the 2022 free market which presents better options.

Of course there will also be more competition.


President of FC Barcelona
Are we really that desperate to clear up a few millions this year just to commit to him for two more years?

Let him run his contract out.


Senior Member
Are we really that desperate to clear up a few millions this year just to commit to him for two more years?

Let him run his contract out.

I think it is the risk of finishing the fiscal year/season with losses that scares us.
Board can't take losses more than one year, or else it resigns or pay the difference, In addition the salary cap significantly decreases in such case and we enter a treadmill of mediocrity etc.
If the board is confident that won't happen, then he can fuck off.
For me I prefer letting his contract and Dembele expires and tell Busquets he should look for a new club after the end of the season. That will relief the club alot financially and we will be in a situation were only handful of players have more than 1 year left, I think Pique would leave on his own so it will be Alba/Pjanic/Griezmann as the only high earner that we are stuck to beyond 2023.

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