Sergi Roberto


Barçapocalypse NOW!
He was caught out of position way too many times today... But whatever, another transfer window went by and still no RB... :coffee:


This failed experiment expired a long time ago. He could be useful in midfield, instead of playing gomes and denis there. I can't understand why a good experienced rb wasn't brough in january. The stubbornness that is ruining this season.


A good coach would see since ages that this guy cant play on this position. Instead of torturing him as rb keep him as dm backup. Impossible to be worse than what is playing now in midfield


Staff member
Needs to move back in midfield. Gomes money used for a rb. Or better yet, save the cash and promote Palencia.


Senior Member
Team really doesn't trust him. Attacks go through middle and left.

Imo, if he'll be back in midfield one day, this episode will haunt him.

Teammates who don't pass him now (since they think that he sucks in attack) will have that saved in the back on their heads.
When Roberto will be a midfielder again, to some extent, majority of our players (imo) will think to some extent: oh no, this is the guy who sucks in attack and can't do anything.

I know, it is a different position, but once when your teammates start to think that you have zero abilities in attack (regardless of your current position), you are in troubles (even if you are on your "real" position).


Senior Member

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
He might be the worst player on the pitch. It's him, the midfield or Messi (but atleast Messi got us a goal).

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