Sergio Busquets

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
I was half joking TBH, I cringe when him and Alves use football to practice their acting skills, but these things are going to happen and it's better when it helps us rather than hurt us. Plenty of Inter players dived yesterday, it's part of the game and it's the fault of refs for not being more careful with their calls.

What the sport needs is ref reform.


Senior Member
Diving and acting is the same as fouls. If you are against fouls you have to be against acting and diving, too.
I for one am against all these. I can tolerate a small amount of wrongdoing especially if under special circumstances, but people like Busquets go way to far in my point of view.

Even besides diving and acting, I think Busquets is currently overrated.
He clearly has lots of potential and he shows it from time to time, but as of now (that is this season) he is way too inconsistent.
For every good to excellent match he seemed to have at least two mediocre to awful ones.
And imo his diving and inconsistency cost us more this season than his fine moments benefited us.

But this is my subjective view. I hope Pep & Co. will train him to be more disciplined and consistent.
And please someone tell him to stop or at least reduce his acting jobs, because they really are a disgrace, no doubt!
Heck, even Alves reduced his diving and acting considerably in comparison to last season. Sadly he also reduced his offensiveness but that is another story.


New member
IMO, if anything, players on the "victim" should be punished after the game for every dive which gave the "offender" the red card, kind of like a fine or even an after-game suspension. It may not change the result of the game, but at least something is happening.... That's the only solution I see that would work at this time.


Do ya feel lucky, punk?
It's not soo needful. It's manipulator,just why touch him,he will fall to pieces!

Maybe he's for Deportivo La Coruna,Almeria or in Italy,maybe in Udinese, Napoli, etj.


Interista Paja Patak
I have more pics for you :D

I LOL-ed at this like crazy:




Senior Member
Barca is being mocked and laughed at by the entire Footballing world more for Pusi's antics than our elimination. He takes playacting and diving to a a whole new level. He is talented but hes also overated by some culés. Yes, he has made it to Spain's NT but for lack of decent options in his position. He could mature in to a gr8 player in the future but as of now his game is marked by inconsistency and erratic. He brings bad repute to our club and La Masia. :(
Still didn't learn after getting booed at the M.Benz...Sad.


New member
look im sorry but one of the reasons i support barca is cause of their morals (supporting unicef, homegrown talent, relying on attacking talent, etc) and sergi b. is tossing all of that out the window. i was mortified when dani acted like this last season, sergi takes it to a whole other level... get on your feet or gtfo you whiny little shit!


Bomb Dropper
sorry, but more than ever...


I don't give a shit how the rest of the world sees us. they're all jealous and were jumping for joy when we got KO'd (hence inter's bus-parking was "heroic" - as was chelsea's last year, united's the year before, etc.) they'll praise us when we're on top but if you listen to everything it's always said through gritted teeth or is a depthless platitude - ITV was full of this on wednesday. or it's patronising; messi's not a genius he's "a little genius" for example. so yeah, the media are built on sensationalism. inter "outwitted" and "outthought" barca, but as estel says everything turned on one whistle (yaya's goal) so what if we'd won? they'd be saying how great we were, again. it's meaningless, they just prey on the reactions of people and say what they have to say to sell papers. precious few people actually analyse the game and provide insight - most just spout rhetoric and should be ignored. as for rival fans? they're even more bitter than journos and broadcast media because we play the kind of football they can only dream about. not worth your time.

I support FCB for me, not for anyone else. their opinion doesn't matter. you should all be the same.

now, is busquets a cheat? yes, quite obviously.

but I ask... so what? we get cheated damn near every week with dirty fouls and playacting and time-wasting. and our star player gets kicked to shit on a regular basis and the offenders aren't punished enough because he's too honest and doesn't go down. I know we play heavenly football but that should not compel us to act like christ, forever turning the other cheek.

you can't be 100% honest in the modern game and survive, it's not possible. so we need someone that's sneaky, that's nasty. and busi is our guy.


keep on keepin' on, sergi.


New member
jesus meta busquets could throw your parents off a cliff and you'd still be after his knob.

i hold barca players to a higher standard than the rest of the world, i assumed other fans did the same.


Improvin' Perfection!!
Messi should probably say "You wanna fuck with me? Okay. You wanna play rough? Okay. Say hello to my little friend!"

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The Reckoner
yep, he is representing a club. a club which prides itself on 'mes que un club' and it is getting embarrassing and if he is to receive the plaudits his performances deserve, he really has to cut it the fuck out.

hard men don't act like pussies, why would you want to act like such a bitch?

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