And I'm getting damn tired of seeing his fangirls (on another site I go on) that either a) think it's funny; or b) are trying to defend him by saying "oh that's just how he is lol" and that we're overreacting.
You dont have to waste time with those brainless little fuckers that has nothing else to say but bitter comments.
Girls like to see a Girl with a dick. That's why they adore Ramos so terribly.
Raul wouldn't even catch up with Messi in the first place so the question "would he?" isn't even applicable.Raul would never do anything of that kind...
Great, one game ban. How is a player ever going to learn if that's his sole punishment for a nutcase display of half a minute?
Great, one game ban. How is a player ever going to learn if that's his sole punishment for a nutcase display of half a minute?