Serie A 2012/2013


New member
this document is a relation of the procurator.
but is only a relation..internazionale has not undergone processes unlike the juve that has been found guilty
also if it was done the process does not mean that the international was found guilty ..
indeed seen the evidence against ridiculous, would not risk anything ..
because in fact the inter has never combined matches, unlike the juventus

unfortunately for juventus, the whole world now knows what kind of corrupt team is juventus


New member
yesterday inter have play in a bad way, but sometimes is possible to win also playing not to 100 for 100

Yeah, if Inter had won yesterday it would have been a lucky win for sure, but it doesn't make that ref decision any less wrong. That's the main point I think. And the fact that it's happened three games in a row now, probably most people would complain at this point, not just Moratti.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Lose some tension Sergio. You are a funny emotional fella.


I don't really see anything wrong here... As for the tackle, it's difficult to say as Ranocchia is already falling on the first picture which means any contact there can be disregarded, if they wanted to prove something they should've added a picture from just before the challenge and one during it as well (I'm not saying it's not a foul, just that there's no evidence of it on the pictures).
As for the second picture, that's about a 50-50. Most refs would probably blow their whistle, but it's almost as far up as the shoulder and from the picture I can't say how much contact there was, if any. It should probably be a free kick, but it's hardly a great mistake by the referee.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Inter and horseface embarrassing themselves yet again by claiming the referee's are fixing games. Yeah, parking the bus when you are at home to Cagliari is really ref's fault. Morons.

Loved Juve's troll response as well.

What is defensive about saying 'No comment' to horsefaces's retarded claims about referee's?

Posting a link to the prosecution statements that victims of Calciopoli, Inter, were infact implicated in the scandal themselves but avoid prosecution through a statute of limitations, is appropriate though. Criminals like Inter need to be reminded of what they are before talking about others.

Why should Juve not speak when the president of another club is stating that they only reason they are not winning is because of corrupted referee's? Especially now that we know Inter were guilty of the very crimes they constantly harp on about being the victims of.

Inter to B.

He doesn't have a point at all, because he has 0 evidence, just pointing to wrong decisions and making aspertions. So all he is doing is once again painting him and his outfit as sorry victims of some grand conspiracy. Well i'm sorry, but only 1 club has ever won a title in Italy through officiating, and it is Inter.

If he was honest about the reasons his team did not win, he would be starting with himself, not referee's. For a start why he appointed a no hope novice as manager who then goes out and plays for a draw and seems surprised that he got one.

Son, you must have hit your head real hard on that road.


Are you refuting the prosecutions? Bearing in mind they are from the very same body that sentenced Juve and the rest to give Inter their Scudetto of honesty.


New member
Here's what Gianluca Paparesta said on the incidents. Remember his career was over after Calciopoli scandal . He was Moggi's puppet.

Paparesta, we start from the contact Astori-Ranocchia: it was penalty? Like I said during the broadcast on Mediaset Premium, the images are very clear: it is not a penalty that could be given, it is a penalty that you had to give. The phallus is obvious: Astori strikes with his left foot left leg Ranocchia. It all happens on the line of the penalty area, then inside, the position or not there is not even to discuss, except that it helps a lot that happens on the line.

Who is wrong in this case? There is no decision of the arbitrator does not have booed nothing, and then wonder he is the assistant Viazzi, both the referee additional Palazzino-term purpose of the series B to the referee additional - Giacomelli not have helped in that circumstance.

The second goal of Sau seems vitiated by a hand ball: irregular signature? Regulation says that the foul to be penalized if the ball hits the hand or arm of the player, the images clearly show the impact produced by the biceps Right Sau, so that you can see a piece of sleeve blanket.

But it was not easy to see ... Surely it is difficult to detect the referee, but the ball hits the arm at the top, and other images can be seen as the requirement of voluntariness, which is required to whistle the foul, there is, as Sau it helps to stop the ball. The goal was therefore irregular.

So it is not a question of returning to the past (reference to Calciopoli scandal) I do not think, however, my role is not to pull out arguments: I analyze the episodes, which are to the detriment of Inter in this case, as may have been a benefit in other occasions. It 'a problem of inadequate referee: not theirs in the first place, but who prepares them. Especially ...
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Dr. Raed St. Claire
Are you refuting the prosecutions? Bearing in mind they are from the very same body that sentenced Juve and the rest to give Inter their Scudetto of honesty.

When I learn Italian I will tell you if I refute it or not. As far as I am concerned right now, anything with Juventus in the source to me is compromised. However, Sergio, I am surprised you are changing your stripes from Black and Red to Black and White. You can by all means but trust me, you can't change back. You'd be tainted forever.

As for Moratti, he is complaining about the terrible refeering, and it wasn't long ago that Juventus almost escaped with points against Inter. Thank goodness for that brave fan who threw the paper at the referee's head to set him straight.

But like La Furia said, this is the worst match to complain about referees, Inter went up first, should have capitalized on that but were merked and Milito missed point blank. As for your evaluation of Strama, I don't see him doing too bad to be honest. And thanks for the 7 million, we will need it when Cassano's stomach explodes, until then we appreciate his assists.


New member
unfortunately Italian football, as in general Italia, is now a country completely in the hands of mafia...where reigns silence..

calciopoli has been established again with everything that revolves around: media (tv, newspaper) of part..

For example the Milan with Berlusconi has:
-->mediaset tv + premium pay-tv
-->A lot of newspaper( Il Giornale, Il Foglio, Libero, La Nazione, Resto del Carlino, Panorama ext..)

Juventus with Agnelli( then Fiat Group) has:
A lot of newspaper( stampa, tuttosport)
has the RCSGroup that possesses among others:
In Italy il Corriere della Sera, first national newspaper, e La Gazzetta dello Sport, first sports newspaper

In Spain El Mundo, second national newspaper,Esxpansiòn and Marca..

So the power of the media is huge


New member
Plus when you wait until one of the primary figures of Inter at the time (Facchetti) is dead and can no longer defend himself, to come up with supposed "evidence", kinda ruins some of the credibility there.


Plus when you wait until one of the primary figures of Inter at the time (Facchetti) is dead and can no longer defend himself, to come up with supposed "evidence", kinda ruins some of the credibility there.
By 'evidence' you mean many recordings of him, then yes. Just because he since died does not mean it is forgotten about, or do you also approve of Jimmy Saville fucking kids ?


New member
Uh no, I just find it peculiar that nothing was "found" until it was rendered impossible for the person to speak their side of the story. Also, that comparison is disgusting.


You really need to try and make an argument that is a little stronger than the use of comma's. The source and type of evidence that was 'found' as you put it, is the exact same as the evidence used to convict and sentence Juve and the rest. The evidence that made Inter paper champions and a monopoly in Serie A. You want to question how reliable that is? Be my guest. But don't try and brush it off as nothing now that its found Inter to be just as dirty as everyone else. And certainly think twice before parroting the rubbish spouted by Moratti.

And its a perfectly apt comparison, given that the BBC also felt death admonished peoples wrong doings in life. It clearly doesn't.

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