This. But if you want to give Stegen competition then I feel that you go for Maignan on 15m.
Then tell MaTS with the data supporting. Maignan will start the season as you need to recover your knee. If his form is good he will continue for this season. But the plan for this year is Maignan in Europe and MaTs in the league. Then cite the record breaking CL defeats. That they are not all because of the goalkeeper, but that none the less Stegen was the goalkeeper for them.
I mean, equally you could try this with Donnarumma. But his wage and Raiola scare me.
I agree with you there. Ideally you try this with a GK like Maignan who might accept something like that.
I doubt Raiola and Donnarumma will, but even taking the step to sign him would be a big step and possibly signal the end of ter Stegen's Barca career unless he has a second half career resurgence.
I suppose worst case scenario you could try to flip him to Juventus for de Ligt. Juve get the next Buffon and Barca get the CB they want or need, at least in terms of MDLs leadership profile and quality.
Current board need to show the players that no one are safe unless they perform to the level they are expected. You cannot have two good seasons and two bad ones and expect Barca to be indebted to you for the good years.
Need to set clear salary caps too internally like Bayern.