The Negreira case


Senior Member
Depends, some cases get decided by technicalities. One thing to be convicted because you got caught paying a ref and another to be convicted on some technicality.

I'm still waiting to see some solid evidence. Actual links to refs besides rumors and conjectures.
Not the point... they are saying the paying of Negreira himself constitutes a crime.


Senior Member
Let's hope so.

No need to hope on that as cant happen.

But Barca most likely try to fight the bribery charge by first of all saying not a public official.

There is not conceivable way that a technicality could find them guilty.. that has to be proven.


Staff member
All this is just a symptom. Barca have been fucked by Madrid throughout the years. Our fucking president had been killed ffs. Then Franco took power.

Now some unknown dude is trampling himself to kill Barca. Catalans are, unfortunately, pussies, who can't win their freedom and statehood. So this is where we are.

did I say Catalans are pussies. Yes. They are.


Active member
The fact that Negreira himself said that Barca paid for 'neutrality' , not for preferential treatment as had been misrepresented here, indicates what I have been saying, specifically that there is systemic corruption in place to treat Barcelona unequally.

I have raised numerous facts to prove this is the case in previous posts but in short. Real Madrid fanatical supporting presidents and referees. Illegal state funding of Madrid through training ground in 2001 and car park scam this very year.

If you have the people making the decisions ( Presidents and refs ) batting for Madrid you're fucked from the get go.

All it took is to pay a guy in CTA with no real power, to destroy the evil empire of Darth Perez? Fascinating.


Senior Member
Former High ranking Nike executive Sandro Rosell has cooked them

Sando Rosell: “They say Barcelona paid €7M to Negreira, but for how many years? If we calculate the average, it means €4,000 for every report. So how did we bribe him? For 200 euros?”


Senior Member
Ok, ask yourselves this: "If Real Madrid would have paid Negreira, would you have dismissed it as an irrelevant charge, that had no effect on the footballing side?"
It is un unfair comparison, for most of Spain supports RM due to the club representing ideological and political aspirations of the central government of Spain. RM benefits from micro corruption. Barcelona does not.


Senior Member
Its important to note that before this investigation was public the Tax Agency 'charged' Barca with false accounting and falsification of invoices (to Negreira), and we agreed to pay the fine of a million rather than send documents of reports that were made.

After examining the accounts they did not believe the invoices were real and demanded documentation from us to justify the removal of certain taxes (from our side) that don't apply when you are doing accredited work such as reports.

They asked us initially for the copy of the invoices, the copy of the contracts made and a description of the services carried out. We sent them back a copy of the invoices however we did not provide any further documentation. In our first responses, we state that we cannot provide any details of said contracts because the contracts formed were entirely verbal and the club has no record of them being made due to that.

The Tax Agency responds again asking that we identify the names of people who helped provide or created these services and that we provide a copy of the reports that the payments correspond to. They then don't get any answer from Barca's financial team, who end up agreeing to pay the million-euro fine for false accounting.
Carles Tusquets, who was the Treasurer of the club at the time this happened and had to respond the Negreira charge (he leaves shortly after) says that these payments were masked from the budgets and the audits that were passed to him and he had not been able to find them.

So basically the club agreed to pay a million euro fine and plead guilty to false accounting re these payments rather than hand the reports over. Does that really seem plausible?

The question is who made the reports Laporta was showing in his hand?
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Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
This will be forgotten about in 2 days, but for the other team they make a criminal case. That's why if a Atleti or Sevilla or Betis fan came here and pointed the finger at Barca I would lend them an ear.

But a Madrid fan ? Come on, stop breaking my balls. It is like a serial killer complaining about someone kicking a dog.

Basta ya.

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