Thiago Translantara


New member
say swag one more time and you are dead


Flair Trait
"Thiago, who did whole training session yesterday, is expected to get medical green light soon. He's recovering from shinbone injury." [rac1]

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This. Please stop using that word. It's only used by wannabe white teenage gangsters living in American suburbs now...

Guess Sweden is a bit behind because every "cool" (also known as white trash) person here in sweden use swag and yolo annoyingly much.


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
Drake is the Rachael Ray of rap music. I say that as a proud Canadian, and someone who listens to Drake.

furthermore, Thiago is the future. that boy is making "the leap" this season.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Not sure how old you are, I am 19 so perhaps I socialize with a different generation.
So am I, but then again I usually stay away from people saying using english terms like "swag" or those bragging about their new shoes or whatever

I've heard yolo a few times, mostly by girls at my former school

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