Thiago Translantara


He never did....

There are rumors that say he did

I know it’s only rumors but usually these stories have some truth to them one way or the other…like the one about your player that we tried to tap and made Perez go after Neymar…Now both stories could be lies (either from press or players) or both could be true.

I personally know that Perez did all he can to get Messi and that’s a fact now were do you scale this kind of aggression.


The Observer
Riddle me this if there was a no aggression pact why did perez try to sign Pique.

There are rumors that say he did

I know it’s only rumors but usually these stories have some truth to them one way or the other…like the one about your player that we tried to tap and made Perez go after Neymar…Now both stories could be lies (either from press or players) or both could be true.

I personally know that Perez did all he can to get Messi and that’s a fact now were do you scale this kind of aggression.

Very reputable source.. fannation off Goal . com ..

Can't get any better than that... i' give up

And Perez did all he can to get Messi too... wow

your sources are solid as milk shake


Mike the Knife
Milk shake, Mmmm



New member
If Thiago leaves, I will probably never forgive him.

Well he needs to do what is best for his career. He needs more playing time to improve upon his game. Maybe an option to move on loan will be the best compromise. But he definitely needs more playing time and it is not going to happen under conservative and risk-adverse Tito. If Pep were still coach he would not have been in this predicament.

I guess Tito is tossing it to his court then. All rides on Thiago's choice.

Tito passing the buck because he does not want to make that tough choice is not a suprise. These kids look up to the coach for guidance and not this kind of treatment. Tito should sit down with Thiago and say this: "Look son, you have all the ingredients to be core to my team moving forward. We need a replacement for Xavi and are relying on you to step up your game. What I need from you is: less mistakes and keep it simple. Build your confidence and then you can start doing some fancy stuff. But we need efficiency first and you also have to be patient with me. Can we work together on this? But if you feel like you want to move, that is fine too....... but know we will welcome you back... bla...bla..bla"

Tito has to me more effective in communicating with these guys, something I feel he is lacking. This is one area I also believe Pep excelled in. These kids not only need a coach, they need a mentor. Their parents are only after financial gains.


New member
So I know the club can't stop him from going if someone meets the 18m (which multiple clubs likely will), but can he reject every single one of them to stay at Barca if he wants? Or does he literally have to go? I'm assuming he has the power to say no but I just want to be sure there isn't some weird exception.


New member
So I know the club can't stop him from going if someone meets the 18m (which multiple clubs likely will), but can he reject every single one of them to stay at Barca if he wants? Or does he literally have to go? I'm assuming he has the power to say no but I just want to be sure there isn't some weird exception.

It's a standard release clause pretty much. If the clubs meet 18m then they are free to negotiate with Thiago. He can reject them, there's no doubt about that.


So Thiago is not happy with his minutes supposedly. Well let's compare him to Iniesta.

(In the league)


Age 17 17 minutes
Age 18 14 minutes
Age 19 662 minutes
Age 20 1822 minutes
Age 21 1436 minutes

Total: 3951 minutes


Age 17 0 minutes
Age 18 447 minutes
Age 19 500 minutes
Age 20 1677 minutes
Age 21 1649 minutes

Total: 4273 minutes

All competitions combined


Age 17 17 minutes
Age 18 84 minutes
Age 19 1044 minutes
Age 20 2946 minutes
Age 21 1956 minutes

Total: 6047 minutes


Age 17 0 minutes
Age 18 582 minutes
Age 19 784 minutes
Age 20 2073 minutes
Age 21 2547 minutes

Total: 5976 minutes

So as we see the difference is not that big at all, Thiago definitely can't complain about his minutes:iniesta:
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So I know the club can't stop him from going if someone meets the 18m (which multiple clubs likely will), but can he reject every single one of them to stay at Barca if he wants? Or does he literally have to go? I'm assuming he has the power to say no but I just want to be sure there isn't some weird exception.

The player can always reject an offer even if somebody decides to pay 250M for him, he can still decline.


Cruijff's Heir
To be honest, Thiago has a point WITH those stats. Look at the decline of Thiago compared to last season and compare that decline to the gradual and steady rise of Iniesta. The fact he played 2900 minutes last year and 1900 this year would make me a bit mad too, if I were in his shoes. Still, would love for him to stick around and become a regular starter here. But please don't say those numbers are all in favor of Thiago, because some don't.


New member
To be honest, Thiago has a point WITH those stats. Look at the decline of Thiago compared to last season and compare that decline to the gradual and steady rise of Iniesta. The fact he played 2900 minutes last year and 1900 this year would make me a bit mad too, if I were in his shoes. Still, would love for him to stick around and become a regular starter here. But please don't say those numbers are all in favor of Thiago, because some don't.

He was injured for a while this season but he still should have at least reached last year's minutes. He should get at least 3500 in all competitions next year unless he gets a serious injury.


To be honest, Thiago has a point WITH those stats. Look at the decline of Thiago compared to last season and compare that decline to the gradual and steady rise of Iniesta. The fact he played 2900 minutes last year and 1900 this year would make me a bit mad too, if I were in his shoes. Still, would love for him to stick around and become a regular starter here. But please don't say those numbers are all in favor of Thiago, because some don't.

This. He went down 1000 minutes from last season. Even with his injury, that number could've been better. That's what probably bothered him. Tito's pursue for the 100 points made him play Xavi in unimportant matches, that Thiago could've played instead.


New member
To be honest, Thiago has a point WITH those stats. Look at the decline of Thiago compared to last season and compare that decline to the gradual and steady rise of Iniesta. The fact he played 2900 minutes last year and 1900 this year would make me a bit mad too, if I were in his shoes. Still, would love for him to stick around and become a regular starter here. But please don't say those numbers are all in favor of Thiago, because some don't.

Exactly. Besides you do not just look at pure numbers without taking into consideration context. The problem here is not cumulative play time but the consistency in achieving that sum. This is what a kid needs to build confidence and learn from mistakes. I cannot talk about management when Iniesta was in his teens but what I can say about the current crop is they are not well suited to manage careers of young, talented and ambitious players like Thiago. These guys are mostly interested in short term gains.

Despite all what we want, the best thing for Thiago, given the circumstance, is move to a club where he will be guaranteed more playing time, unless Tito guarantees this. If I were him, I would consider moving to Arsenal if they are interested. Wenger is a good nurture of talent.


To be honest, Thiago has a point WITH those stats. Look at the decline of Thiago compared to last season and compare that decline to the gradual and steady rise of Iniesta. The fact he played 2900 minutes last year and 1900 this year would make me a bit mad too, if I were in his shoes. Still, would love for him to stick around and become a regular starter here. But please don't say those numbers are all in favor of Thiago, because some don't.

It has to be seen i a greater context though. In the case of Iniesta he gain over Thiago in subs but his starting 11 and completed matches if faar below Thiago at 20. Thiago last season Started 20 league games and completed 15, Iniesta by comparison at the same age started 12 and completed 10, he was however subbed a lot more. This season Thiago lost 2 months and 12 matches through injury, had he not been away his stats would have been comparable to last season. The thing is FC Barcelona as a club has always been very conservative with giving young players continuity, Xavi and Messi are anomalies in the clubs history, and in the case of Bojan, well we know how that ended.

The thing is Thiago has very little to complain about, he is geting his chances but this is not a charity club were you get to play because you are young and promising, you have to be better than the others on training and then in matches. He has been a bit unlucky with Xavi and Iniesta avoiding injury these years but any time and more likely than not in the near future one of the two will suffer a longer injury and then he will get his chance with a longer streak of full games.

Iniesta didn't get into the starting 11 until Van Bommel was sold in the summer of 2006. Before that he was mostly used as a sub, in fact, Inista is the club record holder in games as a sub, he had to fight hard for his place and never whined about it, Thiago should follow his example. Iniestas 2005/06 season he started 14 games compared to Thiagos 15 this season (both aged 21), so Thiago started one more match despite being away 2 months through injury.
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