Thiago Translantara


New member
Thiago's current situation(a limbo between the 1st and B teams) is perfect at this moment in time. Only 2010/11 or 2011/12(I'd prefer that, 2011/12) should he be promoted as a full 1st teamer. We shouldn't rush him like we did Bojan, even though Thiago is a really really really special player!

I agree with ^^^Mido.


Tiago can be a better player than Cesc, i mean he can be a copy of Xavi.. But we got to wait till the summer window.. Hope both Cesc and Thiago will play together.. ;)


Mike the Knife
Didnt his Father say they would look elsewhere if he did not get promoted in January??? WTF why arent they promoting him now???

Anyone have a good handle on what this Jan 31 deadline actually means wrt to Thiago's future and whether he's actually promoted or not for THIS season?


immaculately conceived
He basically wants first team football, soon. So if he doesn't get it now (he won't, as Zubi said) he will have to get a professional contract at the end of the season. If he doesn't get that, he will leave. On a free, cause his B-team contract ends this season.


Mike the Knife
He basically wants first team football, soon. So if he doesn't get it now (he won't, as Zubi said) he will have to get a professional contract at the end of the season. If he doesn't get that, he will leave. On a free, cause his B-team contract ends this season.

That's what I thought but what's to prevent him & his father negotiating out a contract in the Premiership after Jan 31?


immaculately conceived
Nothing, I guess. It all depends on what they offer him at Barcelona and how much he wants to play in this Barcelona-team.

If they say to him this month that he's not getting promotion an dthat there is no place in the first team for him, he's off obviously. And rightly so maybe, can you expect a talent like that to stay at segunda level?

If they say to him this month that there is no place for him now, but that they want him to play games with the segunda team for the second part of this season to gain playtime and he gets a place in the first team next year ... it's up to him what to do. He can still leave, as long as he doesn't sign something we are never sure. :(

It would be utter shit to not give him a place when you give Bojan an extension till 2015 in the same month.


Mike the Knife
Yeah, it seems strange from Zubi et al, doesn't it?...Why run the risk of losing the player altogether?...Are they that certain he won't jump at a chance to go abroad?

Perhaps now, the initial calls that Ibi's signing could end up being a death sentence to Thiago's future at Barca were spot on

I do wonder if assurances that he'll play some in the 2nd half along with promotion in the summer will keep him from bolting...Seems like a massive gamble on a player that everyone knows can play first team football


Zubi has talked about a new model for the B team. The team wants to have a few young players get a lot of minutes on the field for Barca B, while also joining the first team for quite a few games a year. Like how they have used Thiago this year, not like how they have used Jeffren. I would think they would have to pay these transition players pretty good money, like what they might earn on the main squad for a mid-level La Liga team.

Seems like a good plan. Keep a very small main squad, rotate in young guys without having them rot on the bench too much.

The team is willing to play young guys a lot, when they find talent like Messi Pedro Iniesta Busquets. First team all-world level.


Senior Member
It would be funny to see Thiago go to Arsenal and then later Barca wanting to buy Thiago from Arsenal for 40 mill :lol:


New member
guys tell you what i think if i know sandro well then he is just pressing thiago for a season considering pep's reluctance (due to less age and already having large other option) so that he can save some money for a season and as zubi said in football anything can be changed in a day so if great offer came from outside club for thiago or thiago's stayed firm on first team football then barca will give him contract
so don't worry because i think pep and sandro both know thiago will be star so they will not allow that type of quality to leave

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