Thiago Translantara

One thing I think you UTD fans need to understand about Thiago is that the Thiago version that you saw in the Euro U-21s won't be the same player you get once he starts playing in the PL and CL. He looks like a god amongst mere mortals whenever he plays for the youth national team yet he doesn't do the same things as consistently as he does there on the higher level.

Don't think that I am bashing Thiago, he is an amazing talent and for his age, he is probably the best all-around MF. However, he has been pretty inconsistent when he plays for us and this is why he hasn't benched Xavi yet. The Thiago U-21 version is what you will get in about 3-4 years time where he just bosses games like its nothing. He doesn't quite do the same thing when he plays in La Liga or in CL based on his performance last season.

However, with what he has shown recently and Xavi's decline recently, next season should be his breakout year. This is why, if he is wise and really wants to play in the WC as bad as the media claims he does, it makes more sense for him to stay here than leave.

Leaving Barca won't change the fact that on the Spanish NT, he will still be competing against Xavi, Iniesta and all the other MFs who are in the team now. As I have said prior, I am skeptical of the assumption that he will magically light up the PL and I think Barca's style is much better suited to his strengths.

You also forget that our system at United is much more forgiving than the Barca system. If he loses the ball at United he still has a very good defense that can bail him out and we don't play with so much possesion. Of course I don't think he'll be this good for us right away but after having the likes of Anderson and Cleverley in our midfield for years Thiago can be our Scholes heir. Next year could be his breakout year for Barcelona, but what then? Like I said there is no chance in hell that Xavi will be benched in the big games, the pressure on him would be simply too big and your manager doesn't seem to like him that much given how much he played for you last season.

The PL is also very different to La Liga. We don't have many great CMs in the EPL right now. The best CM duo last season was Sandro/Dembele from Spurs. Except Carrick, Toure and Wilshere there weren't really great CMs playing for EPL sides last season. With Carrick and Thiago our big weakness all of a sudden becomes a strength. Xavi's decline is more due to him playing to many games. Even though he can't admit it himself if you reach a certain age you can't play every game. Just look at Pirlo. At Milan he played too many games. Juventus rotated him and he showed that he is still one of the best CMs in the world and played a simply stunning Euro2012.

I don't think it's that much about being in the Spanish NT, I think it's more him wanting to play and be a star. If you're being promised for many years that next year will be your year and your playing time is even reduced I think you're getting frustrated. Like I said I don't believe he'll stay for long at United if he joins us. After 3-4 years he'll probably return like Fabregas, but in that time I'd be happy to see him develop his talents even further at one of the biggest clubs in the world.


New member
Such woman's logic, "why do you get all angry cause Chelsea went trough? its just a game"


"Woman's logic"? Thanks :rolleyes:

Anyway I read what he wrote more as "it's football, these things happen" rather than "it's only football so who cares". I could be wrong though.


New member
Rafa won't make it at Barça, he forever be on loan until Barça choose to sell him before 2016 deadline.


World Champion
Interesting to read this thread from 2 years ago. Here it begins:

he sounds just like Cristiano, tbh.

makes it much clearer why Pep praised Bobby and wants Cesc so desperately.

for the record I'm not happy he's said this. in fact I think it's quite sad.

I just think it's a nice cold slap in the face for everyone who said he was this superloyal wonderkid (when during his contract renewals last season he demanded that he have first team football in 11/12 or he wouldn't sign!) just because he didn't bail on us like Cesc did.

Thiago is no example of loyalty and never has been. he was threatening to leave (on a free!) just last season if he wasn't guaranteed first team football in 2011/12 ffs.

his dream is not to be a success at Barça, his dream is to be a success in football and be remembered as a great player.

his only loyalty is to himself. if someone offers him more money or perhaps a better chance to play regularly or win stuff, he'll be off like a shot.

he sounds EXACTLY like Cristiano.

now there's nothing wrong with what he said. it's just sad to see a La Masia graduate talk like that.

I hope Rafinha has a different attitude, but sadly I doubt it.

Cesc was 16, far from the first-team, and we were a mess and showed little interest in promoting youth. Arsenal offered him first-team football in a year and he took it. but he's always maintained his dream is to play for Barça.

Thiago is 20, on the cusp of the first-team, and we are in a great situation and clearly intent on promoting youth. he's now revealed his dream is to be a great footballer and be remembered through history.

if faced with the same situation that Cesc was, Thiago would have been gone faster than you can blink. and you know it.

let's not forget that when he was 18 and had only made a couple of sub appearances in dead rubbers, he demanded a contractual guarantee of first-team football, under threat of walking away for free at the end of his contract.

This guy nailed it 2 years ago.


No more faces at night
No official word yet? Not leaving. If Thiago is the kind of guy who has no loyalty to the club then let him leave. It's bad for the team.


Barçapocalypse NOW!
If he leaves then he leaves, but what is the point of selling him and buying Gundogan? It's just replacing one name with another as I don't think Gundogan will be happy to play way fewer minutes and having Cesc ahead of him...

Also it would be a massive crap on Roberto, and while I'm not thoroughly convinced he's a good player, he should at least get a shot at proving himself...


New member
Thiago is like most footballers. He wants 1st team play. I'm not mad at him for that. And if he betters his career and makes more money, we can't fault him.

Which is why I'm BAFFLED at the hate Cesc was and still is getting because he went to Arsenal 9 years ago as a 16 year old kid who couldn't even get a look at the 1st team.

It's crazy.


New member
He probably knows Xavi isn't planning on taking it slow after the World Cup so he's not prepared to wait 2+ more seasons before he's a regular starter. Only way i can see him staying is if Xavi promises him he'll give up his starting spot for him after the WC. Would Xavi do that though? He's still one of the 4-5 best mids on the planet so i doubt he's eager to give up his spot that easily.


New member
isn't loyalty suppose to go both ways? Where is the club loyalty to Thiago? I think he can see the writing on the wall
I don't understand the hate on a guy who just wants to actually use his talent. I think 2013-14 would be just like last season and very limited play. I really don't think anyone in his position would be pleased to sit on a bench for years. Yes, I know some players have said things like they would rather sit on fcb bench then play some place else but those words were from players who were playing so not we don't know what they really would have done.

And I think the picture with the comment that he loves Barcelona earlier in the week was just him lamenting he is leaving. He was with his brother who is also leaving on loan and his dad was there we see from other pics posted. So his dad sold the restaurant and brother is leaving- I think they were just thinking how much they are going to miss the good times they had there but realize it's time to move on. I don't blame him.
If Thiago leaves, I wouldn't see it wrong to build the team around Cesc and allow him to play long balls for the counterattack like he did for Arsenal. With Neymar in the team and even Alexis , counter attacking football would be interesting . This should be against tougher teams like madrid and Bayer. All the times we lost to madrid last season was b.c we should have been the ones defending instead of attacking the other team leaving spaces behind. ( with our defense, and our lack of talent upfront, Villanova should have known better).
The guy is not a coach . Who an i kiddin.

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