Thiago Translantara


Senior Member
look man, i'm not saying the tactics are the greatest but valverde is our manager and he seems like the stubborn type of guy that would force griezmann to work in a 4-4-2 (considering griezmann is a board purchase and not manager one)

just logistically i see this whole thing problematic

Why are you claiming Griezmann is a board purchase and not a manager one?

Dont think EV is as strict on the 442 as you are making out.


Well-known member
EV is not strict on the 442 at all, IMO. Played 4-3-3 in the preseason and often during the season.


New member
IF we buy griezmann and still have suarez, i don't expect paulinho to be used very much as a behind the strikers type of role considering one of griezmann or suarez will hit the bench
(or maybe valverde will keep screwing dembele and use all of griezmann / messi / suarez front three but even then that's worse for paulinho's role)

thiago on as RM in 4-4-2, what about our 130m+ signing dembele?

if we buy thiago we have:
Busquets / Rakitic / Thiago / Arthur / Paulinho / Alena fighting for 2 CM positions, unless we screw over coutinho and or dembele's spots for one of the CM's

how can you not see that as problematic.

maybe you guys trust too much in valverde but he's left me unsatisfied and disappointed enough times to not count on him to do the right thing.


New member
if we switch to 4-3-3



WOULD work but idk maybe i'm the only one that doesn't think valverde would switch to 4-3-3 and i wonder how long suarez and dembele would accept the bench role, also seems odd to me to use griezmann as a winger


New member
i wouldn't be apposed to selling rakitic if that's the case but he's one of the boards / managers favorite
remember early on in the season when he was playing very badly and out of form but was never dropped? the constant jokes rakitic having blackmail on valverde which is why he was never dropped?

I agree thiago is better than rakitic (probably) but unlike FIFA or football manager players aren't sold and dropped for another without repercussions
other team members might get annoyed at how suddenly a starter was dropped/replaced and i feel like it might mess with team dynamics and cohesion

and if we keep both rakitic and thiago then other players are getting shafted, arthur / alena and even paulinho (even though i know most of us fans don't care for him that isn't the case with barcelona staff / players)


New member
how many were due to injuries and how many were due to rotations and being out of favor?? i mean that's why he is leaving, no?


Active member
the thing is .. It's not a gamble signing him.. It's a gamble with terrible odds.. 67 starts in five seasons !! sheeesh

The first two season many of Bayern's players were injured, Ribery played only 50 games in 3 seasons under Pep. That's why Dr. Muller-Wohlfahrt got fired and hence Thiago was less injured since.


Well-known member
we paid 40m for someone who wouldn't cause problems to the squad in terms of minutes instead of paying 50m+ for someone who would screw the whole dynamics (who left us because of this very same problem) how can you not see the difference.

But we need someone who would "screw the dynamics". That can be a good thing instead of just playing the same guys with no competition at all for another 5 years. Thiago could/would bench Rakitic or play next to him (he played everything from Nr 10 to single DM at Bayern) and we could finally have more than 3 decent midfielders for the first time since Xavi left.

Thiago would probably be our best CM, if him playing many games means "problems in terms of minutes" that's an odd way to look at it. Would Griezmann cause problems too?

We need some fresh players on the team even after Cou/Dembele. And these should be players that have the quality and the confidence to be starters here and not just bench warmers like Gomes or Paco because we all saw how much they help the team.


Well-known member
IF we buy griezmann and still have suarez, i don't expect paulinho to be used very much as a behind the strikers type of role considering one of griezmann or suarez will hit the bench
(or maybe valverde will keep screwing dembele and use all of griezmann / messi / suarez front three but even then that's worse for paulinho's role)

thiago on as RM in 4-4-2, what about our 130m+ signing dembele?

if we buy thiago we have:
Busquets / Rakitic / Thiago / Arthur / Paulinho / Alena fighting for 2 CM positions, unless we screw over coutinho and or dembele's spots for one of the CM's

how can you not see that as problematic.

maybe you guys trust too much in valverde but he's left me unsatisfied and disappointed enough times to not count on him to do the right thing.

You could easily look at it like this: Griezmann, Messi, Dembele, Suarez for attack, occasionally Cou on the left wing and Denis as a sub.

Midfield Cou, Thiago, Rakitic, Busquets for midfield, Paulinho is nothing more than a bench option and Arthur joins in winter and will need time to adapt, Alena can be sub as an AM.

Overall that would be 12 players for 6 positions, including Alena and Denis. How is that problematic? If someone gets benched too often he's free to leave us as the the end of the season.

Idk how someone could watch the last season and be opposed to sign a good midfielder. Should we just play Busquets + Rakitic every single game until Arthur arrives and hope he will need no time to adapt at all? That sounds more problematic to me.

Paulinho, Alena, Cou, Denis non of them can play properly as a CM for us in a 4-4-2 so we would be literally left with the same two guys playing over and over again with Paulinho proven every 2 weeks how bad he is at passing. Even if we play 4-4-2 (what i highly doubt) we would need another midfielder.

The only other option would be to have immense hopes for Arthur so we just like have to get through first half with Paulinho and Sergi until he joins and then he would need to deliver on top level from the start. Seems a bit risky to me.
Or we bring him in this summer for the extra 10-15M.


New member
you are misinterpreting what i am saying
If you or I were managers we would do it this way, i am saying because we are not managers, and we see some tendencies from valverde and his inabilities to do the right thing, i see the transfer as problematic

if we had a guardiola or someone that actually plays 4-3-3 and knows how to actively rotate deserving players then yes it would work but given our circumstances i feel like it'll cause more problems than fix.

we're talking about valverde who would rather play sergi roberto on RM than dembele, or use coutinho out of position


Well-known member
Well playing 4-4-2 doesn't change anything. We would have only 2 starters + Paulinho (sucks at this position) and Roberto who is our starting RB for 2 positions. It would still be hope for Arthor or bust because that 100% won't work over a whole season especially after a WC.

If we go for a midfielder it's not "problematic" at all, we wouldn't have too many players and obviously we would have something in mind then because otherwise we wouldn't sign another CM.

(we probably don't sign another CM because the board is dumb but that doesn't mean it would be problematic in any way)


Well-known member
Valverde had his share of poor calls but let's not pretend he's some kind of an amature and that we'd do the better job.

Signing Thiago is not a problem at all.


Active member
Valverde had his share of poor calls but let's not pretend he's some kind of an amature and that we'd do the better job.

Signing Thiago is not a problem at all.

Exactly, the pressure will be on EV from the board this time after embarrassing UCL exit and some poor showing in the league. Even Barto voiced his frustration. [MENTION=22244]Nothanks[/MENTION] seems to think the whole club revolve around Valverde and put so much emphasis on what EV wants. The board brought him because he is a yes-man type of coach. He was let alone the first season to do what he pleases so he could be responsible for his own action. Not playing expensive acquisition like Dembele won't be the case next season.

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