2 goals since last May, I think it is already broken

Well, he was kind of broken before, but kind of fixed now

To be honest chances of him starting to score at least every fourth match are very small.
But what is expected from him is a great contribution to the team by means of passing, goal assissting, fighting, defenders' marking.
Actually, right now he tries to be a good contributor, moves a lot ... but the benefit isn't that tangible. He never was a perfect dribbler - usually tricked one & very rarely two players & immediatelly targeted the goalkeeper's opposite corner (which he did just brilliantly). But recently he is having good stamina but completely lacks of speed. At least not enough for La Liga level. He is not so old so it appears to be the lack of super motivation. Cause such a team requires a huge motivation to progress.
PS. Everything the above-said is IMHO.