

Senior Member
I think he's pretty fast but not as explosive as Dembele. He's still able to beat opponents 1 on 1 and that's what we need. His different playing style could also mean he'll be more durable. Highly explosive players like Dembele are usually more suspectible to muscle injuries and also leg-breaking tackles from opponents because they can't stop them otherwise. When Messi will be gone I think we'll need a play-making winger (I won't say to replace him because no single player will ever be able to do that) and someone who can beat defenders with his speed. Trincao could be the first one and Fati the second.

In ideal world we'd have Dembele, Trincao and Fati as our wingers of the future with each of them bringing different skills/qualities to the team. But I've given up on Dembele ever staying healthy a long time ago so hopefully at least one of Fati and Trincao will make it.

This unfortunately has become a regular theme under Bartomeu's presidency, I believe it was Cardoner who flat out said that making money from selling players would become one of the regular income sources for us. Goes to show how dire our financial situation is. What have we become.

I don't actually mind this philosophy in general too much when it comes to players like Marlon and Wague (I would also add fringe La Masia talents) who will never be enough to be even backups at their positions. If you buy them for less than 5m and sell for a profit in a few years, that's ok. It's better than keeping them at Barca B or loaning them until their contracts are up and they leave for free.

I can also get behind selling from a position of strength so if you have several good talents at the same position and you can't keep/develop them all sell some of them (preferably with a buy-back clause just in case someone will turn out greater than expected) so you can re-invest money for improving other positions. We were not in that position for a long time (except for maybe a GK position in the first team where we always had good backups in recent years) and probably won't be anytime soon.

But what I don't understand is trying to sell a player like Emerson (I won't mention Trincao here because I don't believe we have consider selling him before he has played for us) who is playing at a position of both a present (since we're apparently also looking to sell Semedo) and longterm need and developing very well before he would even get a chance to show what he can do here. All of this for a net profit of just around 10m (which is what would probably happen since we'd need to pay Betis more to cancel his loan a year earlier; not to mention a move like this could damage our good relations with them). Now if we could make a 30m profit on him and we'd sign a talented youngster like Yan Couto in the last transfer window I could understand selling Emerson (eventhough I like him) but under current circumstances it doesn't make sense. Get him back, give him two seasons and then if he flops we can still at least recuperate money invested in him but if he makes it we could have a cheap longterm starter or at least a good backup for a few years.

Let's hope Setien can find something for him this season like he did with Lo Celso. Because in the current climate, that 31 million could be used in much more pressing positions.

We would probably use those millions to buy Lautaro or Neymar. I prefer spending that money on Trincao and if those "missing" 30m somehow prevent us from buying either of them I would be totally fine with that decision even if Trincao will flop at the club.

Lo Celso was basically playing in a Messi role for Betis. Will be almost impossible for Trincao to get a similar role here (at least short-term) but he should still get enough playing time to develop. If Setien can't guarantee him minutes it's better to send him on loan.


New member
Haven’t followed him or the transfer at all tbh. Only seen a couple of clips. Is the plan to keep him for first team?


Senior Member
Yes, he'll be a part of the first team next season.

BTW, Portugal Primeira Liga continues today, Braga will play their first game on Friday.


Senior Member
Starting against Santa Clara right now...



Senior Member
The way he takes ball on half turn and passes while already on the move to receive pass is class.

Reminds me of Pires and can go inside or outside.

The laddie looks a top prospect.


Senior Member
I still think going out on loan will be the best move for his career. Very little chance he gets the minutes he needs to continue developing if he stays...

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