Vitor Roque


Well-known member
Not reported yet, but would bet we won't sell him for less than the 30-35m fixed we paid for him.
Of course not. If we sell him for less than his book value, the club makes a book loss which is worse for ffp than just keeping him.


Senior Member
Need to Malcom this deal out and sell him.

No chance he makes it here after the negative energy we built up on this one.

Good player, big potential, joke ass club. Well atleast we got Guiu in the house.

...aaaaah fuck.


Senior Member
Well he is even worse then we thought.

Club is willing to let him go after 3 months in the club.

Xavi is shambolic with his transfers.

Inigo, Roque and Toress are complete dissaster.

100mil in fees in trash, plus 26 mil per season in trash for saleries.


Senior Member
Xavi? :lol: This guy is not a Xavi transfer lol. Laporta fecked up on this one, he got sweet talked into it by that agent in Brazil. Ferret is his only flop that costed the club serious money.

Xavi liked roque so much that he didn't even play him.


Senior Member
Nah this one is on deco, who has been like a ghost these past few weeks, I hope that means he's working on the background to get deals done.


Senior Member
I'm still waiting to see ETH and his 600m signings to better Solskjaer's run in EPL and CL (2nd place and quarterfinals). :lol:


Well-known member
Joan Fontes: In the La Masia dressing room they think that Vitor Roque's technique is quite bad, they saw it when they trained with him.

When Vitor Roque arrived at Barcelona, Xavi's staff said that the management had made a "bad" transfer, but then the club spread the opinion in the media that Xavi and his staff really liked the player.

Xavi's staff nicknamed Vitor Roque "Rochemback" among themselves, referring to Fabio Rochemback... Rochemback is a former Brazilian Barca player who played with Xavi and is known for his horribly low level of football.

What kind of idiots are sitting in our analytical department? Even from Vitor’s HIGHLIGHTS it was clear that he had problems with his technique. Did Roque's poor technique come as a surprise to the team's management and coaches?

What do these people get paid for?


Deco should resign if that is true. Can take the fat one with him.

Good for Vitor to reject it, he has to stay in Europe, hopefully for him away from Barca.


Well-known member
The same people who thought Ferran is worth 55m, lol?

Good, hope he stays and prove idiots here wrong.

You mention Ferran in every post, with such love, I wouldn’t be surprised if you confess your love to him on Instagram every day.

Ferran is three heads taller than Roque in terms of technical level.


Senior Member
That's the problem, you only look at players technical abilities but it's much more than that. Vitor has all the other attributes to develop into a top striker. Sadly won't happen here because people running this club and fans are idiots.


Senior Member
His technique doesn't have to be great, if he's a good finisher, has some pace and works hard, could be a good back up at least..

Question is does he have these things.

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