Vitor Roque


Senior Member
Might not be a terrible option if Iraola wants him.

Worst thing that could happen is a loan to a club where he'll get benched from day one because the manager didn't want to sign him.

Would be steep learning curve but great opportunity for him to prove he is on a level can go back to Barca at and have a future.

Neto there and some other South Americans. Could help.


Senior Member
If he goes to Bournemouth then he passes the data checkpoints. They are one of those sides.

Reports are he will be loaned though wherever he goes. Which would suggest they have seen an ounce of potential this pre-season.


Senior Member
Loan is the best options for all involved, spending 30+m on a prospect to sell him 6 months later never made sense, I think that was mainly coming from his agent


Well-known member
Offer him to side which plays european cups, europa league hopefully. Dont loan him for sake of loaning, put some exposure on him. Fuck bournemouth
True. You have way more potential for resale too, if he happens to shine in couple CL games or Europe League.

Look at Sancho. Made a new career after one game with Dortmund in CL.


Senior Member
If he shines in EPL, that's a guarantee that we'll make our money back TBF, if we choose to sell him, 30-40m is nothing to a random EPL team.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
There is more chance he will end up being as useful as Ansu was to Brighton last season, and then come back here next season with little to no value, like Ansu has.

I would prefer a sale now. 20-30m. Just take the small hit and move on before everyone else cottons on that we fucked up.


NTC with a Positive attitude
He appears to be a bum.

Offload. Permanently if possible.
I think if he goes on loan to an Italy club. He might do better there. He seems to be a one-trick pony and Italy usually produces them.
And after we can sell him to a PL club for profit.
Selling now will certainly net us a loss. Might aswell loan him and hope he plays like a dumb striker and a lower-tier clun tries to get him.

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