Hello everyone. I would like to know what do you think were the best club teams of all time, besides Barca. please, select 5 (try exactlly 5) that you think were the best ever. later I will pick my own 5.
Naah they dont deserve it. They might have won it but they didnt produce the dominating football produced by Milan, Ajax or Liverpool during their respective era.
why does it matter where the players were born?? the ye-ye were almost completely spanish ... plus evrything that bilbao hav ever won?
and one good season does not mean that it is a great side... i would think that the current Manu deserves to be here more than the others for their consistency...
cant vote but i'd go for madrid 00 to 03... altho, i have seen two of the 50s CL finals... and especially against eintracht, the two teams seemed to be in different planets altogether...