Whats with the handball rule ?


New member
I've been watching soccer for more than 2 years now and I STILL DON'T UNDERSTAND THE HANDBALL RULE.

I find it's never consistent.

If it is a accidental handball inside the box, SHOULD IT BE A PENALTY ? This I find extremely hard to understand because during the CL Final between Barcelona and Manchester United when Evra gets hit in the hand by the ball inside the box, no penalty is awarded which I thought was right.

However BOTH the commentators on the channel I was watching said IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A PENALTY because it was hand ball, doesn't matter deliberate or not. Like wtf ?

Something just doesn't make sense because if that was the case, players inside the box could just purposely kick the ball into other players hands. Stuff aiming for the goals, just boot it into a defenders arms instead.



You said soccer :lol:

The ref makes a decision about a certain handball, there are some rules but the ref has the freedom to interpret them according the situation.


http://www.fifa.com/mm/document/affederation/generic/81/42/36/lawsofthegame_2010_11_e.pdf LAWS OF THE GAME

first of all, not every hand ball is hand ball. 1) referees look if it's deliberate or not. 2) the distance between you and the ball (if it's accidental) 3) if the hand is in a natural and normal position or not. whether hand moves towards the ball or not.

so the case of evra. he touched the ball with his hand but did he break one of those rules? no. same cas for villa in the same game. i understand when the ball touches hand, every fan screams that it was hand ball, but in 90% it is not. yesterday , i was on a futsal referees seminar and they told that they saw a game (futsal) where ball touched hand 8 times! in one game and none of them were whistled. and all of them were correct decition.

people should really learn the rules, sometimes it's disgusting to read or hear some people. it's a fucking bible of football and yet 99% of socalled fans have never probably heard of it and still calls themselves somekind of experts and talking shit.

LAW 12 - FOULS AND MISCONDUCT 111 (page 113)

Handling the ball
Handling the ball involves a deliberate act of a player making contact with
the ball with his hand or arm. The referee must take the following into
• the movement of the hand towards the ball (not the ball towards the hand)
• the distance between the opponent and the ball (unexpected ball)
• the position of the hand does not necessarily mean that there is an
• touching the ball with an object held in the hand (clothing, shinguard, etc.)
counts as an infringement
• hitting the ball with a thrown object (boot, shinguard, etc.) counts as an
Disciplinary sanctions
There are circumstances when a caution for unsporting behaviour is required
when a player deliberately handles the ball, e.g. when a player:
• deliberately and blatantly handles the ball to prevent an opponent gaining
• attempts to score a goal by deliberately handling the ball
A player is sent off, however, if he prevents a goal or an obvious goalscoring
opportunity by deliberately handling the ball. This punishment arises not from
the act of the player deliberately handling the ball but from the unacceptable
and unfair intervention that prevented a goal being scored.
Restart of play
• Direct free kick from the position where the offence occurred (see Law 13 –
Position of free kick) or penalty kick
Outside his own penalty area, the goalkeeper has the same restrictions
on handling the ball as any other player. Inside his own penalty area, the
goalkeeper cannot be guilty of a handling offence incurring a direct free kick
or any misconduct related to handling the ball. He can, however, be guilty of
several handling offences that incur an indirect free kick.
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New member

not really, if that player was tripped from behind and then the ball hit his hand while he was falling it will probably be a free kick to the defender and not a penalty.

impossible to say "this is a penalty" based on an image. that's the whole point of the rule being up to interpretation of the ref.


New member
It is Vidic. It is a penalty. Simple.

you are wrong. simple. you can't say "this is a penalty" with an image.

why can't people accept it when they are wrong it's so annoying, everyone is the king of the castle on his/her own laptop.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
I didn't, I wrote "This is a handball".

Edit: It should be obvious by now.
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Senior Member
Let's say a player takes a shot inside the box, a defender is standing (not approaching/closing down) directly in front of the shooter, and the ball hits the defender's hand. The defender has not moved his hand towards the ball, and it's in a natural position a few inches from his waist. The ball hits the hand because the shooter has tried a narrow angle and missed (in other words, the defender is essentially a rigid post). But it is also clear that if the hand wasn't there that the ball would have gone in the goal.

How would a good ref interpret the rule in this case? Play continues? If whistled, any discretion other than a penalty given and a red card (i.e. indirect free kick inside the box)?

Any difference if the defender *is* moving towards the shooter? In this case, the hand is not being moved relative to the defender's body, but the hand *is* moving towards the ball (because the defender's body is moving towards the ball).

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Let's say a player takes a shot inside the box, a defender is standing (not approaching/closing down) directly in front of the shooter, and the ball hits the defender's hand. The defender has not moved his hand towards the ball, and it's in a natural position a few inches from his waist. The ball hits the hand because the shooter has tried a narrow angle and missed (in other words, the defender is essentially a rigid post). But it is also clear that if the hand wasn't there that the ball would have gone in the goal.

How would a good ref interpret the rule in this case? Play continues? If whistled, any discretion other than a penalty given and a red card (i.e. indirect free kick inside the box)?

Any difference if the defender *is* moving towards the shooter? In this case, the hand is not being moved relative to the defender's body, but the hand *is* moving towards the ball (because the defender's body is moving towards the ball).

In the first scenario there'd probably be a penalty, but no card, or possibly a yellow, would be given. At least that's how I'd do, but there are no clear-cut rules. The referees will have to decide using their common sense.

The second scenario doesn't really change a thing.


doesn't matter if it was or not. the fact is you can't show a picture and say "this is a penalty". you need a clip.

you're wrong. deal with it.

No he's not wrong, you are, per usual.

It's a clear penalty. If he was tripped from behind or slipped he wouldn't be holding his right hand out like that while falling face first to the ground, if anything his hand should be guarding his fall. and if you saw that game you'd know how clear of a hand ball that particular incident actually was, a really dumb handball too if you ask me.


Let's say a player takes a shot inside the box, a defender is standing (not approaching/closing down) directly in front of the shooter, and the ball hits the defender's hand

depends on the distance between these players. if he is right there 1-2 meters away from the strikers, it's an unintentional handball and not penalty. (• the distance between the opponent and the ball (unexpected ball)

if he is 10-15 meters away, then theres no excuse. it's intentional, because he had the time to take his hand away. and it's red card he prevents a goal or an obvious goalscoring
• A player is sent off, however, if he prevents a goal or an obvious goalscoring
opportunity by deliberately handling the ball

and it's a yellow he if he didn't

didn't you dare to read the rules i just posted ?? deco20, theres no common sense about this rule. common sense is about other things, how you dictate the tempo of the game, whether you prevent some card in the beginning of the game and just warning etc. there's ABSOLUTELY no common sense when it comes to penalties.

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