Of sorrow it was when we lost to Liverpool in 07. Of joy was Stanford Bridge. I will never forget it. My grandpa had just died, the girl I've been crushing for years went with someone else, the school semester has more then taken its toll on me and it was a gray rainy day (in the States). I was at my friends cause I couldn't stand to be alone. He doesnt like soccer but watched it with me. When that ball went in I jumped outta my seat, but was speechless I just cried. Then I realized there was more time, when the final whistle blew I was like a big baby but I was so happy something had gone right! Of course things got better when we went to Rome!
Cried buckets when Iniesta scored the in the World Cup final, when we won the CL in 2008, and cried with laughter when we destroyed Arsenal-fuck me that was funny .
Had to post this from the thread I made ages about "Your reactions to Iniesta's goal". Just the best, wierdly dramatic, hilarious story from someone.
"I was watching the match with my father.After 92 minutes i was disappointed.My heart was broken and my eyes filled with tears.I said "that's it".When Iniesta scored that incredible goal i couldn't understand what had happened,couldn't believe.When i looked my dad he was smiling..I want to move but i couldn't.I can remember only tears and said again "that's it"."
Iniesta's goal caused so many tears! Not at least from that Chelsea kid who was crying like crazy on camera!