Usually some portion of hardcore fans are the sport's female followers. Zero for casuals.
Adam Silver has pointed the same withWNVA, older men are the only ones buying tickets.
Most young generations will tweet about them, but won't pay a cent for them
Hardcore fans, really? You mean those most interested in the men's team would be the ones also caring about the women's team? doubt
I would've thought that some of those might give a little money sometimes as a charity maybe, but I'd doubt they'd buy tickets and actually sit and watch the games!?
Maybe it's the same "fans" who "watch" the games with their backs against the pitch, deciding what should be chanted, or those who are too piss drunk to know the sex of the players anyway?
Most "women's football fans" I know of know next to nothing about the game, but likes being seen as "progressive". They also claim to enjoy them not diving, cheating etc. They actually prefer womens football to mens.
I myself watch the womens NT when there is a tourney and I don't have anything else to do...