World Cup 2018


Senior Member
Messi as the 9 isn't working, put on a striker & take of Perez who is a complete waste of space.

Also why in the hell is meza warming up, he is just as bad as Perez.


Senior Member
France are so unbelievably shallow. Bar the speed merchant attitude, they have no quality at all.

Like I said, Argentina have the means to win this. Higuain or Dybala on. Messi to RW. Drop Di Maria deeper.

I think they'd win if they do these changes. Messi has been at his best when on the right in this game. Di Maria could be used in his position from late 2014 under Ancelotti, or the position Coutinho usually plays, which is that of an AM who goes up when he smells blood.


Senior Member
Messi will be getting a lot of space for sure in the 2nd half but he needs to exploit it.. Higuain is must in the 2nd half..

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