World Cup 2018


New member
Man, I wish they remove the extra time and go straight into tie breakers ! The least they can do is to allow couple more subs for extra time. As if watching boring draw matches for 90 minutes is not enough, they punish us with 30 more minutes.


Senior Member
This is pure physical/muscle game. BBZ must be enjoying this.

Extra time. I will go wash my car, hopefully back for PKs.

I am from Croatia, btw, lol.

Anyway, Croatia was bad in the 2nd half.
But Kovacic brought balance.
And a LB Strinic lost confidence.
With a new guy Pivaric, Croatia regained control.


Well-known member
One team who were incapable of attacking(Portugal) and one team that didnt really bother(Uruguay), as i sad, boring.
Though this game is even more Boring, i will give you that.

Portugal is not incapable of attacking, but they were neutralized quite well. I enjoyed it really, great defending, so well organized, crosses well covered.

Add passion to the list and a few terrific plays from Uruguay, what more can you ask for?


Senior Member
Portugal is not incapable of attacking, but they were neutralized quite well. I enjoyed it really, great defending, so well organized, crosses well covered.

Add passion to the list and a few terrific plays from Uruguay, what more can you ask for?


URU made only one real mistake in the whole game and POR scored on that one.


Well-known member
Also enjoyed URU vs POR a lot. Most competent footballing so far for me.

Yeah, you rarely see such organization on international level. Two, three players pressing the player with the ball and still no space left. WOW!


New member
One team who were incapable of attacking(Portugal) and one team that didnt really bother(Uruguay), as i sad, boring.
Though this game is even more Boring, i will give you that.

That’s just what people say as an excuse when a result doesn’t go their way.. (other team didn’t want to play)

It was a masterclass from Uruguay other than one mistake... do you expect them to play an open game and let Portugal counter like they did against Spain lol

El Gato

There have been hardly any undeserved outcomes at this tournament. Croatia better not start the trend.

What a fucking shit pass that by Rebić to Modrić.

Mandżu not going for a bicycle kick on that cross made me sad.

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