

Senior Member
This guy was supposed to be p. good.


The scripted murican clown show shouldn't be called wrestling.


Well-known member
Some crazy sexual accusations on Vince McMahon, including defecation. :lol:
The guy is a psychopath.

Anyway, I don't follow wrestling anymore and haven't for years (though shoot interviews where they all talk garbage about each other can be funny). I went to a couple of live shows in Glasgow in 2006, and one in Edinburgh in 2005. I would say my favourite professional wrestler in WWE was Kurt Angle. More because he came from an amateur background and I find that more interesting these days - if you can you should watch the film 'Foxcatcher' based on a true story leading up to the 1996 Olympics.

Going back to WWE, Angle's match with Michaels at WM 21 is one of the best ever.

I also really liked Edge. Or Adam Copeland (his real name).


Well-known member
Great taste
Thanks, he is the best. Love the ankle lock and his general ability. Quite funny on the mic too. Also, a tough bastard, though apparently nowhere near as tough as his older brother Mark.

Did you know that Jon Bernthal (Shane from the Walking Dead and the Punisher) is Angle's nephew in law? He's married to the aforementioned Mark's daughter. Small world.

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