Normally I'd drop a comment about how bad he is compared to Bossquets but you already know that 
I have a massive man crush on him and if Edward wouldn't have bigged up so many shit players before, I would have joined him a long time ago. He even loves the same shows I do:
You’re also a big fan of Dexter. Have you ever thought after a game, only metaphorically, that you would like to put someone on Dexter’s killing table?
Yes, I believe that we’ve all thought that at times. Dexter has a very attractive personality, for this lack of sentiments combined with a human touch that gets to you. And sometimes you think: perhaps I’m getting more emotional with him than I should. On those occasions, you share that “dark passenger” that he speaks so much about.
Another of your favorite series is Mad Men. Do you feel like a footballer from another era?
Well, in some things yes. With the boots, for example. I don’t like so many colors. I always tell the people of Adidas to send me black boots, the ones they’ve been making forever. Perhaps I have a more classic profile than others and in this sense I do like the classic and elegant world of Mad Men.
the classic and elegant and DECAYING MORALLY BANKRUPT RACIST WORLD of Mad Men.
and he stans for a serial killer as well.
no wonder he loves Mourinho.
Alonso is awesome and his beard his even more awesome.
Is it true that he rejected his contract extension offer from RMA?