Yaya Toure


Active member
He's gonna be a pain in the ass for Pep when he arrives. He was okay when he was here, but when he went to City, he became a primadonna asshole. He thinks he's the best player at City and England lol.


Senior Member
He's gonna be a pain in the ass for Pep when he arrives. He was okay when he was here, but when he went to City, he became a primadonna asshole. He thinks he's the best player at City and England lol.

He will probably get rid of him asap, if he goes to City. His wages are a problem though, but a club in Middle-east or something can probably afford it.


Such a funny character. If he was here, I'd bash him til he cried but since he's in Man City, it's quite amusing.


New member
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-video" lang="nl"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/tbt?src=hash">#tbt</a> Yaya Toure in his last match for Barca  <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/fcblive?src=hash">#fcblive</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/yaya?src=hash">#yaya</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Messi?src=hash">#Messi</a> <a href="https://t.co/iJkZTNwOcD">pic.twitter.com/iJkZTNwOcD</a></p>— Jos Witt (@jos_witt) <a href="https://twitter.com/jos_witt/status/692714686630985728">28 januari 2016</a></blockquote>
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Blaugrana Bull

Find angry Yaya.


He was one of my favorite players but he has become one of the greatest divas in world football. A shame.


Senior Member
Look at Nasri the fool. He dyed his hair to look sky blue but from here he looks like a elderly Japanese CEO.


Senior Member
Dont understand Citys stubborness in fielding this guy in the cl, he has been exposed in this tournament for years, yet they still persist. Why do they expect a different result doing the same thing again and again?

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