What makes him better than Andres iniesta
More of a main man/star player you can build the team around.
More complete as a player.
More entertaining and skillful.
Much stronger physically.
Much more leadership and personality.
Way better in the air.
Much more 2 footed.
Way more bangers.
Much more adaptable and less of a system player. Succeeded in multiple club settings and league environments.
I get it. Barca fan loves Barca legend. But this is delusional.
Iniesta isn't as good as Xavi. Forget Zidane. Compare Iniesta with Modric.
The harsh truth is Iniesta wasn't a very complete midfielder. He had poor end product for his position(Xavi clear despite playing deeper) and had a very specific skill set which he did to a very very high level. Respect to him for that. Legend of the game.
Where was Iniesta before Pep started playing his style?
Was nowhere near being considered the best mid itw. He's a system player. A legendary one at that. No shame in that.
Zidane was a class above. Had way more magic and was a maverick who could lead any dressing room to glory.
Extremely overrated as a manager by Madridiots and is hiding like Horatio pointed out.