Professor Balthazar
If he continues like this he will be a serious contender for the ballon d'or next year. He absolutely dominated the game today, this is what could have been had Messi stayed on the right. Not saying it would have been better than what we have now just saying this is a possible alternative we could have been playing with. The big man has 12 goals and 5 assists so far. If he continues like this he'll have 40 goals by the end of the season and 20 assists or so, but forget the stats it's the sheer dominance he plays with. I haven't seen a player dominate games this way since Zidan in his prime. Messi can destroy a team in the blink of an eye but he doesn't absolutely annihlate their defence like Ibra does. What a player.
King Zlatan !
Dat second assist! Yeah absolutly dominated, it was Ibra and 21 schoolboys
Thing with Ibra was, we should have never bought him. Who buys a top 10 player for almost 70M and than don't use his strengths?