The answer is simple - not going to happen, because of Flick's favouritism. He's a very hearty, sentimental man, and they go a long way with flopski, sharing warm stories of old on long rainy evenings, which matters the most in cutthroat competition football. They also both speak German, and Flick only makes sense in German, the rest of the team gets information by sign language, drawings and pictograms. Last but not least, he's a stubborn old man who likes other stubborn old men, sharing the common fate of standing at death's door, and staring into the abyss of decline, where the abyss doesn't stare back, turning away in disgust.
Now, the blind, deluded, biased, misguided, bizarre Polish fanboys might tell you, that he had dozens of games in Bayern or NT where he looked bad, but scored the decisive goal, which kind of matters the most in the end. Also that strikers of his type might be prone to look bad in general, having fewer touches and less chances to redeem after bad plays, and that it doesn't always prove bad disposition. Maybe that the coach sees him in training and has generally a good idea of his fitness, speed, agility and other physical metrics. Don't listen to them though, they are blinded by his cock, and his cock is all they see. His cock is their dream, their goal, their measure, sacrum and profanum in the ultimate merge of aspects and dimensions.