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  1. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    mostly boring game of 2 clubs that play simmilar footie ... i spent more time laughing during the game then enjoying in hardly anything ... i doubt Inter can pass at S Bridge and Ch needs 1 goal ...
  2. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    u r brutal :D yeah but stil better then f.e. Ribery after the accident ...
  3. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    zanetti again
  4. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    don't say that pls
  5. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Ahh no Petr :( Don't like Chelsea but luv him ...
  6. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    watch your language beefy :D
  7. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    lol salomon ... have a feeling the match begins to be interesting from now on :lol: edit: ya see ... goalll hehe
  8. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    haha i know, maybe in their dreams :) it was just an association when u mentioned him ...
  9. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Ahhh he is a Palace legend :D Always liked them :)
  10. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    ehehe true true :p I cannot find an adjective suitable enough to describe what i see ..
  11. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    :lol: ahaha interesting mind working
  12. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    i DONT like Chelsea either, but in this game yes as never respected Inter and when i see Mourinho i piss in my pants how girlish he looks like, not to mention his gestures plus I always try to be fair and not hatefull :D i said, i TRY :D (and u can't say Chelsea was not robbed last year in CL...
  13. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Aiii, damn ... don't like neither or them, but Inter less, always been legion of strangers without chemistry ... so, go Chelsea!!!
  14. Petrinha

    Who is the best goalkeeper in the world?

    Casillas, and best since i follow footie - Schmeichel
  15. Petrinha

    New members

    Welcome guyssss :wave:
  16. Petrinha

    Gerard Piqué

    Yes it could, that's why i think the ref was compensasing later ... as i said, if Collina was judging d be penalty for sure lol
  17. Petrinha

    5 - Carles Puyol

    I luv him, but he was not himself today ...
  18. Petrinha

    Gerard Piqué

    After that mistake in the 1st half, great and constant :D On of our few best players tonite ...
  19. Petrinha

    Thiago Translantara

    His first baby!!! :D First of many :party00231:
  20. Petrinha

    Your residence: House or Apartment

    Ehehe i envy your countryside in each season :D Although we, from the city have some nice green oases too ;) :)

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