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  1. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    This is crazy, goals fall as a jokeeeee, Robben Gunners all the wayyyyyyyyyyy, brilliant show today :D Eboue 4:0... ARSAWIN again :D MOM defenately ;)
  2. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Joooo again hehehe 3-1 Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww NASRI what a playyyyyyyyyyyyy, what a goal!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Nasri saves Ars, Porto good in 2nd half
  4. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    2-1 bloody bayern getting back to the match
  5. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Fioreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2-0 :D Cico Kranjcar must be happy hehe
  6. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Hahahaha Z, made me laugh so much my lungs hurt(i am ill, u forgot? :)) Closet gooner :lol: I like Gooners as they play nice footie and coz of our Dudu playing there. Yup, i agree he is a disgrace, dunno why i like him, cannot explain :lol: i am stupid girl :p
  7. Petrinha

    Andrei Arshavin

    Hehe yeah a babyface killer :D Ahhh he plays so amazing tonite, i wanna him in our team!!
  8. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Porto is bit better but stil not enough effort ... aiiii could have been goal again (beefy, i had to say something girly not to seam so manlish :))
  9. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    I know :D He is clumsy and messy, but give him some credit, he is stil a baby and cute :) I concur. Come on Dragoess, make the game more tense and interesting !!! :D
  10. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Ahhhhhh ahhh could have been 3-0 now am angry with Arshiw but coz all he done so far will forgive him :)
  11. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Nicklas is not an idiot, shut up :) And am happyyy Wenger put Arshawin :party00231:
  12. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Come on, won't u admit Arshawin pass was a beauty? ;)
  13. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Go, go Fioreeeeee !!!
  14. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Throw some fire on him lol .... u r Dragão :D
  15. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Arshawin againnnnnnn :D Bravo !!!
  16. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Ahhh Arshawin(i just luvv the kid), almost the second goal ...
  17. Petrinha

    Champions league 09-10

    Arsenal dominates and in control, nice early goal from Nicklas(happy coz of all the stones thrown at him in the last game), ahhh Arshawin :D Don't be sad Beefy, one goal will get them back in the game ...
  18. Petrinha

    10 - Lionel Messi - v1

    A billion bux boy :D
  19. Petrinha

    Andrei Arshavin

    U have a point there Z :) Well Barce could have snapped him right after Zenit time, but all the roomors and yes/no at that time didn't do a faveour, although if they really wanted him am sure they d get him ... Hmm i don't think that he is totaly unhappy in London, he likes it there(all besides...
  20. Petrinha


    Nice review Bojan, but i so so sooo knew ud say that about Kranjcar, all Dinamo guys say that :p Fat, lazy etc etc ... but at least he scores and i love him for many things + this 3-5-2 does him good. This formation brings nice memories and Ćiro times :) Also, Niko in combination with Modric fed...

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