Senior Member
This for all of you lazy ter Stegen haters, the guy is young and will improve every single year. Do not forget that most goalkeepers start being great at around 28 years old. Stegen has immense potential and as the numbers show he is having a great season. Sure he has made dumb mistakes in the past, but that is part of the learning process for a keeper his age who is asked to do so much for the team in and out of possession. He can improve in positioning and aggression off the line.
He will get better (NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT), have some prospective before bashing the young keeper. For example look at how Bayern fans and media treated the GOAT Manuel Nueur when he just arrived in his young days, almost the way some lazy barca fans and media alike treat ter Stegen.
So what a 24 year goalkeeper has a lot of room for improvement isn't that what we want. Marc is doing a fine job with his goalkeeping and passing, you should enjoy him and support him, not bash him.
I created a simple comparison on squawka to show how favorably ter Stegen compares to other top keepers this season. For all of you David De Gea lovers guess what Marc has better numbers than him. More saves per 90, less goals conceded, better distribution, better saves per goal etc.. if David is better he isn't that much better and I highly doubt he would be able to stand the criticism Stegen takes from you guys every single day.
Moral of the post, for the year of our lord 2017 stop being lazy fans, do your research before you bash a player especially a young star goalkeeper like ter Stegen.
OH, by the way on whoscored our guy MAtS has a better per match rating than Dave at 6.63 compared to 6.50. ALSO perennial goalkeeper of the year winner and unquestioned GOAT Manuel Nueur is only at 6.68.
Stats lie in this case - blatantly!