1 - Victor Valdes


V.H. 4 life
FCB has always had the philosophy of scoring more than you concede as opposed to conceding less than u score. Especially during rijkaard's reign. So we would still let 2 goals in a game, even though vv would make countless saves throughout the rest of the match. And obviously it gave ammo for the media to critisise an aspect of fcb.
But that is my point, this didnt affect Iker for example, if we are to go by statistics then Valdes should be in the NT. I'm pretty sure that 4 of the last 5 years we had the best defensive record. Also how many times did he win Zamora?


I walk the line
I was referring more to what CA said. I dont have any explanation for why he's never once been called up for the NT.


Staff member
Anyone else thinks that he could have done better at the first goal? I mean the ball was flying from afar and he had the time...

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Anyone else thinks that he could have done better at the first goal? I mean the ball was flying from afar and he had the time...

It did cross my mind that he was a tad slow in reacting, but the shot was taken very early so it had that element of surprise. I wouldn't blame VV for either effort.


The shot was very well placed, it even got a bit of the post before going in. Highly doubt anyone could have got to that.


New member
I think that if Buffon or Iker concede a goal like this, people will just say "oh, what a shot, what the goalie could do."

But somehow, when it happens to Valdes, everyone starts to doubt :lol:


immaculately conceived
I'm a Valdes supporter but to me it looked like Victor thought the ball was going out. Didn't stretch, turned his head but failed.


Yusuf Islam
i wish he was a bit more aggressive on the second goal though

nothing he could do on the first one


I talked to my friend who is a INter fan.He thinks that Ceasar is the best in the world and Valdes is not even top ten.

I told him to watch the Valencia match. He kept us from losing 3/4-0. IMO he is the most improved Barca playing in Pep's reign. I would say Messi, Iniesta, Pique and Henry come very close but if you watch him a couple years ago and watch him now, i get the feel that i'm watching a completely different keeper. Now he has more presence and a commanding feel on the pitch. I'm not saying he didn't have this before but now people are taking notice.

As for the national team arguement, Iker is invincible. No. 2 should be between Valdes and Reina. I know Deigo Lopez is a very good player but he has been making some mistakes (well the whole of Villarreal have) and hasn't really won anything. Valdes has won 2 zamoras along with 8 club trophies.


I thought the same, man. But I didn't say because he did make two great saves.

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