10 - Ansu Fati


Senior Member
17 years old Messi, Xavi and Iniesta would never stand a chance to make it with today's internet fans, lol.

Not Messi though.

Also with current stats and analysis, they could even be rated much higher. I mean look at how England goes nut after watching Thiago play for one half.
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Senior Member
Get off your fucking high horse dude. Haven't you been shitting on Lautaro back when he was 21 aswell. Or is it ok at that age ?

No. This was my second post in the Lautaro thread (a few days before he has turned 21) when he has signed for Inter and I've watched him for the first time.

It's only preseason but he does look like the real deal.

Inter is playing really well and they are still without Nainggolan and Vrsaljko and are apparently also close to sign Keita Balde. I expect them to have a good season.

I've liked him back then. I actually don't hate him now either. He's a good player but I just don't think he's what we need.

I was and still am against signing him mainly for two reasons which I've mentioned many times.

1. his excessive price. I just don't see him as a 100m player now or ever in the future. From our 100m signings Dembele has shown more in Rennes and Dortmund than Lautaro has so far in his career. Both Coutinho and Griezmann were also much more proven players than he is when we've signed them. And none of them has exactly turned out good for different reasons.

2. He could bring some good things to the team but I just don't see him having potential to ever score 30-40 goals/season which we need now and we'll need even more in future when Messi leaves.

Later, after corona when we knew our finances will be even bigger problem I've mentioned two other reasons for not wanting to spend big on Lautaro.

3. Suarez probably staying (I've never believed we'll offload him) which would mean Lautaro would need to play as a winger.

4. Preference to improve defense and midfield rather than spending 100m (which we didn't have at that time) on another forward hoping he'll work out better than our recent 100m signings.

That said, if he'll ever come here I'll support him like I've done with most players and coaches. I'm usually very patient and I'll give him a fair chance to prove my doubts about him wrong.

Another thing, I have different expectations for players at age 17 and 22-23. Every player can have a bad day, even prime Messi and Xavi had poor games (for their very high standards) in their careers. But overall I think it's fair to expect a lot more consistency from a 23 years old Lautaro than a teenager Fati. And being consistently good is also something Lautaro hasn't shown so far. At least when I've watched him he was more often playing poor to average than good to great.


6racies Xavi
Im not hating hating on Ansu either , heck the majority doesn't. Havesaks was the first one I saw calling him a Roberto level talent. Then you have the majority who rate him very highly and the rest (including me) who think that him being a pure winger won't work out in the long term.

This is what I meant with my post and it's not only directed at you but a few others , where like 1 guy takes a straight shit on him and the high horse squad arrives telling people how fickle fans are etc.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Getafe away while trailing a goal is probably the worst game to come on as a sub tbh. That said I expected more. I guess we shouldn't be surprised that he will be very hot and cold since he is 17-18.

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