10 - Ansu Fati


Senior Member
The problem with Fati is his current form is just not good enough. The club basically bet on the wrong horse. The club were to quick to label him as the next big thing. This went to his head and now he thinks he should be an automatic starter.


Senior Member
His best skill before injury was his consistent goal scoring. He was clutch. But now, he is consistently missing good chances. If he doesn't get that back he doesn't have much to offer apart from decent close space pass and go.


Well-known member
His best skill before injury was his consistent goal scoring. He was clutch. But now, he is consistently missing good chances. If he doesn't get that back he doesn't have much to offer apart from decent close space pass and go.



Senior Member
Xavi cross does not necessarily suit his game either. I mean, in order to be a goal threat, a player needs to be in front of goal, and not just hugging the touchline, especially Fati.

Iniesta Ultra

Senior Member
This season he's averaging 1 g/a every 61 minutes. Lewa's averaging 1 g/a every 54 minutes. Ferret's averaging 1 g/a every 197 minutes.


Senior Member
Ferran scores meaningless goal in blowout : OMG he's got his confidence back what a player!!!!

19 year old Fati coming off terrible injury period lasting several years, 6 G+A in 300 odd LL minutes : Finished player who has nothing to offer.

People's expectations here are far too high, do you expect him to be Messi or something? Many players don't come back at all from the kind of injury luck he's had, let alone racking up goals and assists at 19.


Senior Member
His best skill before injury was his consistent goal scoring. He was clutch. But now, he is consistently missing good chances. If he doesn't get that back he doesn't have much to offer apart from decent close space pass and go.

I have wrote lots of times even before injuries, that I was never sure whether:
1. he is an absolute genius with his goals, and that some of us don't understand some of his shots and attempts because he is a few levels above our IQ and football knowledge
2. or he is not a genius and half of his goals are fluke/insanely lucky goals which will never go in in the next 20 attempts

What I am trying to say?
For example, when we had Messi and when he tried his signature shots after cutting from a RW towards the box, he was usually aiming into a far corner of a goal.
Which is, imo, logical = and the place where it is the most likely to score considering his left foot, position on the RW and where the GK stands.
The same was with Henry, who's shots were always somewhat predictable and logical.
Or young Michael Owen, when he won Ballon D Or, he was always aiming at the far post.
Or Larsson, Bergkamp etc.

I have one friend who is a professional footballer and played in a top division in my country and we often played amateur football with him.
And when some of us would miss an easy chance, he would always say:
"Please, when you are 1 on 1 vs a goalkeeper, do whatever you want, just don't shoot straight at him. That is the dumbest thing which you can do.
Try to aim into one of the corners. And it is better to aim a far corner and miss the target than to shoot straight into him."

In that sense, I "love" when Fcs aim far corners when they have enough time or space. I know, sometimes you just take a fluke shot and what happens = happens.
But if your every shot is a fluke shot, then something is wrong.

For example, check the Henry's video.
Ok, some shots are longrange screamers and some are just stupid acrobatic goals.
But when he has enough space and time, he usually always chooses a far corner (like Messi and other logical shooters).

Now, when it comes to Fati, majority of his goals were always in the wtf level (imo).
You can never tell if that was the biggest fluke ever or a touch of genius.

All of his goals for Barca:

1: shooting almost straight into a keeper. As explained above, that is the stupidest thing which you can do as a striker in 1 vs 1 situations. Luckily, the shot went in, but it wasn't good execution.
2: shooting through the defenders legs, the shot got deflected. Hardly a perfect and logical goal. It is more like = I'll close my eyes and shoot and what happens = happens.
3: this time he at least aimed towards a far corner, but again it went through defenders legs. Again, it is hard to tell that he wants to shoot through defenders legs every time, right?
4: good goal. But again, something in the range: I'll close my eyes, shoot and pray. And what happens = happens.
5. ok, a good classic goal from inside of a box where you shoot with power and that's it. Nothing wrong with this one.
6. shooting straight into a goalkeeper. Luckily, a goalkeeper was shit so it ended as a goal. But again, hardly a logical shoot. More like Dembele's lottery attempts where you never know whether it will go towards first post, far post or towards 25th row on the stands.
7. a goal with the outside of a foot. This one is world class, a touch of genius and actually a logical shot from the position and with that foot.
8. aiming at the first post. Maybe that's his thing? :/
9. Suarezesque goal. No complaints about this one.
10. this goal looks nice when watching live, but when you look at it closely, it again doesn't make too much sense. The ball is aimed almost straight into a goalkeeper and it went in only because the Gk didn't see it because of defenders.
I mean, fine. If you don't shoot, you won't score.
And if you don't shoot, you'll never provoke luck.
But imo, too many of his goals are based on luck, shooting through defender's legs, shots being deflected, a GK conceding a goal through his arms or legs, a Gk don't seeing the ball at all because Fati striked the ball surrounded with 5 defenders etc.
11. ok goal
12. ok header
13. a logical tap in. Ok goal
14. amazing goal on video. But when you analyze it, it is hard to tell whether he aimed at first post and almost straight into a goalkeeper, or was it again: close your eyes, shoot and pray type of an attempt.

All in all, I am still not sure that he is or that he ever was such a genius.
There are too many wtf and fluke goals.
And paired with inability to dribble players and average overall game, I am leaning more towards that he is not a genius but just a very good player who was blessed with lots of lucky goals till now (just like Dembele a few years ago when he scored 10+ goals in a few games and then more or less nothing in the next 2 years).
The same as Dembele, I don't see his shooting style and shooting decisions as logical.
And I don't think that he or Dembele can produce consistent numbers when majority of their goals are relied on luck, deflections, shooting through legs or out of this world screamers.

Regarding this season, as some others have said: when you remove his goals (or fluke goals, as I would describe them), you don't get too much from Fati.

** Also, always take into a consideration that football is business, that our clubs, sponsors, Uefa are insanely big hype jobs and that a lot of regarding Fati being no10, playing so young etc was a hype job since we lost Neymar and later Messi.
The same can be said for Gavi winning Golden Boy award, which is probably only because of our huge brand and to keep us alive and relevant, and to make our fans happy and give them something to look for. (The same was with Fati).
Uefa also doesn't want to kill Barca. Uefa's goal is to have 10 big clubs/brands and keep them big and alive. That is good for a CL, sponsors, fans, fans in Usa and Asia etc.
Or when I open social networks lately, it is filled with a new Messi/Cr rivalry called Haaland vs Mbappe.
Sponsors and papers live from that nonsense, from hype, buzz, the next big thing.

Imo, a huge part of Fati's buzz was about the need for a new golden boy in our ranks than from his actual world class skills.


Senior Member
Good post by BBZ overall. At least he keeps it real or tries to present things from his own point of view, not influenced by hype, tweeter trends or some other agenda pushed on the forum.

I too think his shooting style is different from everything I saw in the last 10-20 years from forwards.

The good - he shoots quickly, often not dwelling much on the ball and puts some power behind them. This means he is unpredictable with his shots and GK often gets surprised.
The bad - his shooting style can have a high percentage of failure overall and it relies a bit too much on the element of surprise or luck.
The ugly - when he doesn't get his shots in from the first 2-3-4 tries, he tends to disappear from games of gets into shooting from all angles mode. Even though this season I've also seen his willingness to try and combine with others and assist.

Also, BBZ is right about club wanting to fill the superstar void in the team with a new wonderkid and UEFA pushing agenda for big clubs in general.
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You're welcome
Also, BBZ is right about club wanting to fill the superstar void in the team with a new wonderkid and UEFA pushing agenda for big clubs in general.

That part he is right about. But that part was obvious to everyone and their grandma not watching football. But arguing Ansu's goal were luck...it's pure technique ansu shoots the ball and it stays low. He has natural feel for connecting with ball and putting right weight on it.


Trying to credit Fati's succes when he first emerged to buzz or luck is trying a bit too hard imo.

Sure, there was alot of buzz and hype, but this kid was 16, and breaking all sorts of records in Barcelona, CL etc.
Also, he was not a fluke. You could see from his very first appearance that he was exceptionally mature, made good decisions, had superb movement and had a good touch on the ball. I remember being the most hyped about his decision making and movement at such a young age, he did so many things right and kept it simple, without being predictable.

As for his finishing skills, sure if he'd only scored 4 or 5 goals, you could maybe write it off as luck. This kid however scored more than 19 goals before this season (in all competitions, excluding friendlies). This was aged 16-19, in a time where he was super unlucky with injuries etc, making it super hard for him to create a good rythm and keep confidence, which is essential for a striker especially.

In this period, he scored a goal for every 121 min. played, as a winger/wide forward. In you include assist, it's every 92 minutes he had a direct contribution to a goal.

I would say the sample size is a bit too big to call it pure luck. Fati's finishing was really good, it's also not like he was never unlucky with his attempts, not every shot he made went in. If you compare to our very own superstar atm (Lewa), he just scored a defelction this weekend, and one in our latest CL game aswell. Out his latest 5 goals, 2 were deflections, one went under the keeper, and one was a header. Only one of them was a classic shot at the far post. Which is fine, that is how football is.

Of course Fati's goals will look less impressive if you compare them to a compilation with a selection of Henry's very best goals, no shit sherlock.

Fati had something special, and stood out as a goal threat most of the time he was on the pitch, it was pretty obvious.
For me the biggest difference right now, is that he doesn't keep it as simple in his overall gameplay atm, and plays with less confidence, which is a bad combo. It seems like he is forcing things more now, and his dribbling has gotten worse. And lastly, he doesn't seem to want to, or be able to play with enough physical intensity. Idk if he is subconciously holding back, is scared or has just physically deteriorated that much.

But he is obviously not as good as he was before his latest injury, which is such a shame.
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Senior Member
The good - he shoots quickly, often not dwelling much on the ball and puts some power behind them. This means he is unpredictable with his shots and GK often gets surprised.
The bad - his shooting style can have a high percentage of failure overall and it relies a bit too much on the element of surprise or luck.
The ugly - when he doesn't get his shots in from the first 2-3-4 tries, he tends to disappear from games of gets into shooting from all angles mode. Even though this season I've also seen his willingness to try and combine with others and assist.

Yeah, you are right about this.

I am not saying that Ansu is a bad player.
I would surely love to have him in a team.
But he is a weird forward and has a strange shooting style.

As you said, he doesn't wait too much and he just shoot, which is good and creates unpredictable situations, as seen in lots of his goals.
But longterm, stats wise, it is hard to rely on that type of finishing.
He seems to be a player who will score a weird goal out of nowhere, but who will ruin 2-3 simple one on ones with shooting straight into a keeper.
he is scoring when you don't expect it all, yet misses when you expect him to score a simple shot into a far corner.

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