10 - Lionel Messi - v1

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New member
I don't know. I've seen some short people that can put down ALOT of alcohol.

Be that as it may, he has the right to get loose and have some fun when he chooses.


I don't know. I've seen some short people that can put down ALOT of alcohol.

Be that as it may, he has the right to get loose and have some fun when he chooses.
He doesn't do that frequently, though. So he may not have any resistance to it.


New member
he's short and small, they are lightweights. probably drank 3 beers and looked like that.

I'm smaller than him and can drink that much without being wasted, in fact I can outdrink some guys that are bigger than me, so size doesn't always matter. It's probably more of a tolerance thing since he doesn't appear to drink that much.

Anyway don't see what the big deal is as long as he doesn't make a habit out of it. It's not like he ended up doing anything illegal or immoral.


Flair Trait
What has this thread turned into, a short guys vs tall guys drinking debate? Who actually cares if Messi got drunk, it's like once a year, I personally hope at the end of the season he gets drunk again because it will mean we had won a lot of trophies:D


Active member
lol you are weird people, actually care about what players do and that they should concentrate and shit

take a look at your lives......hold still, take a deeper loook.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, waddaya see? that´s right
you give more shit about some millionaire drinking beer than yourselves, pathetic
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