10 - Lionel Messi - v1

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He was bad, but still better than most. He wasn't lacking motivation, he was clearly upset because nothing he tried was working. Then he scored 2 :D
Amazing player.

La Pulga

New member
soon he'll have scored more goals then ronaldo
Ronaldo Apps: 390 Goals: 188 (moyenne: one goal per two games)
Messi Apps: 246 Goals: 164 (moyenne: two goals per three games)


Mike the Knife
Anyone know what the significance of Leo's goal celebration after the 2nd goal?...He looked like he was scratching his hand a few times like a match with his right hand...and then rose a single finger up :eusa_think:


Senior Member
I think it was just that he hurt his hand in the build up to the second goal. He was holding it like he was injured then when the ball went wide he burst into the six yard box and scored.


New member
Sorry, been away for a week.
That's the thing with the way messi takes penalty when he scores from them they are brilliant but when he misses them he looks like a fool. It's the same with chip penalties if zidane would have miss the one in the final(which he was very close to doing) how much of a fool would he have looked like? yet he scored and he went away looking like a genius.

Oh and I don't agree with the one who said that messi is more of a gambler then rather than technique. Penalty taking has very little to do with technique. It's almost entirly all down to mentality and luck and very little down to skills.


And seriously most post I have seen you post you do seem to have a agenda against messi.
I dont have an agenda against Messi, but I dont have much to say honestly. He has, in my opinion, done the same thing for atleast two years now. Awesome? Yeah. Unique? Hell yeah. But the jaw was already dropped more than a year ago, and he is not move favourite kind of entertainer so I never seem to have much to say when he scores, or doesnt score, or whatever. I see some people actually drop random positive one liners in some player threads just to balance their online image as not to lose credability. Personaly, that´d make me puke my integrity all over the keyboard.

So I only constribute when I feel I have something to constribute with. People where angry 7-8 months ago as well, when I was too sceptical about Bojan, that he was put in the best scenario ever in the end of last season, the least amount of (negative) pressure possible, and we had no idea how he handles real pressure, the real pressure he was about to recieve this season as a regular striker. So its not like im always wrong, or that Im merely biased or anything.

In this case, I disagree with penalties beeing luck, although its a part of it. I really do think Messi sucks at penalty kicks, and the reason is if the goalkeeper keeps calm he stops way to many of them. Look for lightningbolts in the corner. Ironicaly, with that I suppose you understand who is my favourite PK at the moment. But yeah, the keeper goes to wrong way, its over, goes the right way, he is not close anyway. The girly girl in Madrid is pretty good at them as well.

Seriously, put Villa at the spot. His shoot is enough by itself, and I´ve never seen him as a choker.


Oh, and the few who very obviously go out of your way and really, really, try to not comprehend a point, you are on my ignore. Nothing more to it, but thats why im not answering.


New member
Messi honestly should not be concerned about the Pichichi ... Atm with Madrid in pathetic form, and ronaldo not scoring in the last few games its just a matter of when, not if messi will surpass him in goals.


Improvin' Perfection!!
Just one short, so soon the obsession gonna end and we can enjoy the King Leo Messi playing at his best again :)
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