After today's performance, all of us should not say another word about Messi. Any thing we say is pointless. It is obvious that this kid is way beyond our mentality, can't wait when people from Space come to buy TV rights just to see this kid. For god's sake Messi, you're only 22, what are leaving for the rest? Maradona at the age of 22 was not even comparable to you. What are you going to show us as we're clue less at this point. If you ask me does Messi deserve to be the Best player in the world I would say no. Why, because he is the best player in the galaxy. Am really grateful that 50 years later I'll tell my grand son that I watched every game for this legend. That I've been to a game where he played in front of me and scored two goals. Please Messi, take it easy on us, I stood still with my jaws dropping when you made that pass to Pedro. Not even Zidane or any body did it that smoothly before.
Ok, am out of words by now. I have nothing to say so as all of you. Quite, Messi has the ball

P.S. : Am not crazy but watching this kid play is a different story.